Attacking 4-2-3-1 by schlafanzughose

Nov 18, 2010
Reaction score
So, I created a new tactic that I wanted to present to you.
It's an attacking minded 4-2-3-1 with two defensive midfielders.
Wouldn't say it's the best tactic up on here or whatever, but I think it's a good tactic if you've got a great offense and you expect them to score goals than your opponent.
Creating plenty chances, but surely, your strikers must be able to use them.

It's plug&play, so you don't need anything else to know. ;)

Here is the formation:
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Used it in my saves with Paris St.Germain and now Celtic. With PSG I lost only one game in the Euro Leage in half a season, so it works pretty good. With Celtic I have just started, but you'll see the first three league games later on.
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Well, now the player roles and players I used for those:

Hasn't got any special duties so should be able to catch a ball. ;)
Salvatore Sirigu, Nicolas Douchez

Central Defenders
Good heading could be helpful to score after corners in the offense. Apart from that there's no special thing to have. Should have their strenghts in defense.
Mamadou Sakho, Diego Lugano, Milan Bisevac, Thomas Rogne

Should be able to cross a ball, don't be too slow and have a good stamina.
Maxwell, Christophe Jallet, Sime Vrsaljko, Xabi Castillo, Mark Wilson

Defensive Midfielder - Left
Only used for defensive business. Should be able to head a ball and win a duel. Good passing game isn't wrong, too.
Momo Sissoko, Badr El-Kaddouri

Defensive Midfielder - Right
Good passing game, creativity an maybe distance shots. Tries to help the offense and starts attacks.
Blaise Matuidi, Clement Chantôme, Beram Kayal

Fast, good finishing abilities, passing game, crossing. Well, how you expect a winger to be. ;)
Nene, Jeremy Menez, Jean-Christophe Bahebeck, Gio dos Santos, Kris Commons

Offensive Midfielder
Should be the playmarker. Creativity, passing game, finishing, dribbling, technique...
Javier Pastore, Joe Ledley

Plays as a poacher, so pace and finishing is nice to have, but not always essential. Stays in front and waits for his chances.
Kevin Gameiro, Mevlut Erding

Some games:

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Well...would be nice if some of you could test it and give me some feedback.

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Greetings from germany.
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Since CM 95 I´m a major fan of 3-5-2 but for some reason no one seems to use it or have any created here =( .

For now I´m not goind to make my own 3(1)-5-2 and I´m going to give your tactic a try since no oen replied iet :P

PS: I don´t play with top teams, for me FM is worth it if you pick a small team and try to make it to the top ( chooseing Real, Barça, manchester etc... takes the fun out of the game for me... ez mode ) , so I´m going to test this with Siena.
Since CM 95 I´m a major fan of 3-5-2 but for some reason no one seems to use it or have any created here =( .

For now I´m not goind to make my own 3(1)-5-2 and I´m going to give your tactic a try since no oen replied iet :P

PS: I don´t play with top teams, for me FM is worth it if you pick a small team and try to make it to the top ( chooseing Real, Barça, manchester etc... takes the fun out of the game for me... ez mode ) , so I´m going to test this with Siena.

Thanks for your reply.
Well, it's worth a try. Don't know if it's made for underdog teams, because it's really offensive minded and if you have a team without real strengths it could become a problem. But I'm excited to hear if it worked. ;)
Well, none of the tacs from here i have tested worked in low teams ( at least for me, o saw some reply's from players that worked fine on underdogs with some changes ). I´m loging in now and going to do some pre season games.. if it works, i post screenshots and some small changes i might make.

( tactic design makes me believe if might work on underdogs )

Ps: Any shouts to be used?
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Looks pretty good, I think. Thank you for your screens.
I'm sure that it works against weaker and teams that have nearly the same strengths as your own, but I'm not convinced that it'll work for Siena against Milan oder Juve. Because it seems to be too much attacking. ;)

I don't use any shouts normally.
Well, we will see... i might put on some shouts and play counter attack.. might work :P anyway, there will be some though games soon. i will also try to tweak it so it works on underdogs and if it works i will post it here =)

( funny how i made the most goals with the stronger team out of those 4... )

anyway, thanks again for you tactic, so far is one of the few that works and uses positions i like to have players ( gotta love DM´s :p )
nope, no changes whatsoever! No point in messing something it´s working =) I just tend to change AML-AMR-AMC during the game a lot since they can do the 3 positions and have similar stats =)