Hi everybody,
It's possible to change the colours of the note's attributes and more... And that's not really difficult...

You need: CM Rev Colours Changer 2 in Beta 5 (I Isued it with success )
the link:
Now the explainations... After you have included your new skin in the FM 2010's folder in my document part under the skins folder, open the soft.
In this appeared window, select "Load the XML file from skin" and the names of your skins will appear in the list... So select the chosen one (one click on it) and your XML file will appear too in "click to load colours". Another click on the named file and it shows you the current colours employed...
Now you can change them with the "Palette" or using colours codes from this page:
http://fr.wikipedia.org/wiki/Liste_de_couleurs (in french, but that not really difficult to see which code is corresponding for)
For information the last 3 ones change the colorization of (in the order):
*special attribute: goalkeeper's note, phisical condition, average and morale
*attribute label: name's attributes
*special attribute label: name's special attributes
I hope that my explainations are clear and can help you, because my english is not really great as a french man...

Sorry for the mistakes by advance... Have fun.