Attributes and how they effect one-another

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Jul 7, 2010
Reaction score
First, I'll give you an overview of all the attributes in Football Manager.

[h=2]Technical[/h]Corners: This refers to a player's ability to be able to take a corner kick.
Crossing: This refers to a player's ability to whip in the ball into the penalty area from the wide areas of the pitch.
Dribbling: This is a player's ability to dribble the ball. It only refers to how good he is with the ball at his feet when running. Other attributes like pace, balance, agility and acceleration will all play a part in this depending on the situation.
Finishing: This is the player's ability to take an accurate shot on goal when given the opportunity.
First Touch: This is a player's ability to control the ball with their first touch after they receive possession.
Free Kick Taking: This is the player's ability to take a free kick. This includes a direct free kick where the player takes a direct shot at goal and their ability to cross in a free kick into the box.
Heading: This is the player's ability to head the ball. The jumping attribute plays a part in their chance of getting their head to the ball.
Long Shots: This is a player's ability to take long distance shots accurately from outside the penalty area.
Long Throws: This is the ability of a player to take a long throw.
Marking: This refers to how well a player is able to mark an opponent. Other attributes play a part in how effective the marking will be, however.
Passing: This is how good a player is at passing the ball over both short and long distances.
Penalty Taking: This is how good a player is at taking a penalty kick. A player can still be a poor penalty taker if his composure and finishing are low however.
Tackling: This is the player's ability to win the ball back from opponents.
Technique: This is how refined a player appears with the ball. It is their ability to de certain things like pull off a tricky pass. Players with a low technique will find it more difficult.
[h=2]Mental[/h]Aggression: How aggressive he is. This is an on-pitch attribute and refers to the player’s attitude in a match. High aggression will cause the player to make more tackles for example and get involved in play. A more aggressive player will try to get involved in everything while a less aggressive one will try and back away from most incidents.
Anticipation: This is a player's ability to read the game and predict and react to what is going to happen.
Bravery: How brave he is when playing. The higher this attribute the more likely he is to go for a diving header or to block the ball. A brave player will go in where it hurt and risk injury for the sake of the team while a player with low bravery will try and avoid injury and will back out of risky challenges.
Composure: How well the player reacts to a “pressure situation” in a match – a player would have a high composure rating if he were able to consistently score when being through on goal in the last minute or a defender would have a low composure rating if he hoofs the ball away when under no pressure. This is the player's ability to cope with pressure and hold his nerve when it matters most.
Concentration: How well the player concentrates on a move-by-move basis during a match (this is “consistency” during a match on a move by move basis). This is the player's ability to remain focused through various stages in the matches. The higher their concentration level the more likely they are to remain focused for long periods and in the latter stages of a match.
Creativity: This is the player's ability to spot a potential opening. It only refers to their vision to spot it though and not their ability to take advantage of it.
Decisions: This is a player's ability to make a correct decision as often as possible and choose the best option available.
Determination: This is linked to bravery and is the player's drive to succeed. A highly determined player will give everything in order to win. The Researcher's Editor Guide (2011) says 'How much determination he has to succeed on and off the field.'.
You'll primarily see this attribute come into affect when a team is losing during a game, or if a team is under performing in the league ('Is Determined to end the run of defeats/help turn the club around').
Flair: This is a player's natural talent and their ability to pull off the unexpected.
Influence: This is the player's ability to affect other player's in the team and inspire them. Players with high influence will be leaders out on the pitch.
Off The Ball: This refers to a player's movement off the ball and their ability to move into space so they can receive a pass in a dangerous position. It is linked to anticipation.
Positioning: How good he is at keeping a good defensive position. For goalkeepers this is how well they get into the correct position.
Team Work: How good he is at playing for the team rather than for himself.
Work Rate: This refers to the player's want to work as hard as possible during a match. If a player has low stamina then they will tire easily if they have high work rate - but it is still an admirable trait.
[h=2]Physical[/h]Acceleration: This is the ability of a player to reach his top pace from standing so it therefore is related to pace.
Agility: This is the ability of a player to be able to turn and move in different directions at different levels of pace. It is tied in with acceleration, pace and balance which all combine in the match engine when a player is running with the ball at his feet.
Balance: This is the ability of a player to be able to maintain his stability both on and off the ball.
Jumping: This refers to aerial reach of a player after a jump. Even if they cannot actually jump as high, a tall player has the potential to have a higher jumping attribute than a short player as they will be able to reach higher with their height advantage - even if the shorter player can get themselves further off the ground.
It is often mistaken that a player's height is used with his jumping attribute to calculate this value. That is false as a player's height has already been factored into his jumping attribute.
Natural Fitness: How high the player’s natural fitness is. How well he stays fit when injured or not training. This will help players recover more quickly from injury and will help them to be able to stay fit as they go past their peak. This determines the base level of fitness of the player. It affects how likely he is to be able to perform to his peak fitness before getting tired and what chance he has of getting injured.
It also affects the player's rate of recovery. How fast he regains condition after a match or injury is dependent on this attribute.
Pace: How fast he can run when at top speed without the ball. Dribbling and Technique will modify a player's pace when he has the ball. Stamina and natural fitness determine how long they are able to maintain their top speed.
Stamina: This ties in directly with natural fitness and is the player's ability to endure physical activity for a sustained period of time. Players with high stamina will be able to perform at their top level for longer.
Strength: This is a player's ability to exert his physical force on an opposing player.
[h=2]Goalkeeping[/h]Aerial Ability: This is the goalkeeper's ability to deal with high balls into the box.
Command Of Area: This affects how authoritative a goalkeeper is in his penalty area. The higher this attribute the more likely he will come to punch or collect crosses, rather than leaving it to his defenders to deal with.
Communication: This affects how effectively the goalkeeper works with and organises his defence.
Eccentricity: This is a goalkeeper's ability to do the unexpected like dribbling out of his penalty area.
Handling: This refers to a goalkeeper's ability to be able to hold on to the ball and securely gather it in his grasp.
Kicking: This refers to how far a goalkeeper can kick the ball. Other attributes such as passing and technique determine how accurate his kick is.
One on Ones: This is the goalkeeper's ability to deal with an onrushing attacking through on him. It will determine how well the goalkeeper imposes himself in the situation.
Reflexes: This is a goalkeeper's ability to pull off unexpected and instinctive saves.
Rushing Out: This refers to a goalkeeper's ability to come off his line and mop up through balls.
Tendency to Punch: This refers to how likely that the goalkeeper is going to punch the ball clear rather then attempting to catch it.
Throwing: This refers to how accurately a goalkeeper is able to throw the ball. His strength will determine how far he can throw it.
[h=2]Hidden[/h]Adaptability: How well he adapts to living in a country that isn’t his own. 1 being absolutely terrible, 20 being the best possible. It also takes into account how different the new Country is to the player's home nation. For example someone from Scandinavia with a rating of 7 is likely to find it easier to settle in England compared to a Brazilian with a rating of 7.
Ambition: How much ambition he has to play/work at the highest level he can. For a player this will indicate how hard he will work to be the best he can be and how likely he is to jump at the opportunity to play for a bigger club in order to fulfil his potential. Also, this rating can affect his motivation in certain match situations.
Consistency: How consistently he performs from match to match. On the basis that there is no player that will perform to his current ability 100% of the time, the ratio of what consistency means in terms of how often a player plays at his CA is as follows
  • 20 Consistency = 20/25 games played at CA
  • 10 Consistency = 10/25 games played at CA
  • 1 Consistency = 1/25 games played at CA
The way consistency is used in the full match engine is that the average "off day" will be 10 below the CA. A random factor will be used to determine how much this is less or more than 10.
Please note that physical attributes are not taken into consideration when it comes to consistency. Only the technical and mental attributes are marked down depending on consistency.
Also Match Importance (database value) and Team Blend (Game value) affect the match by match calculation of the "Real CA" (Consistency combined with CA)
Controversy: How controversial he is off the field. (20=extremely controversial, 1= not controversial at all); how likely the player/member of staff is to feature in media stories with a negative slant (eg involving arguments with other players/his manager).
Dirtiness: This indicates the degree to which the player is willing to bend the rules, be it giving away flagrant fouls, leaving a foot in or even using the elbow.
Important Matches: This is a player's ability to perform in the big matches when the stakes are high.
Injury Proneness: This measures the player's chances of getting injured. If this is high it means they regularly pick up knocks and niggles and are often in the physio's room.
Loyalty: How likely the player is to be loyal to his club, his manager or to his national side. It is used in all those ways, in different places in the code.
You can expect to see a highly loyal player reject advances from other team, and depending on other mental attributes, happy to stay at the club if offers are turned down from teams with a higher reputation. They are also more likely to become upset if a team mate they are friends with is mistreated (depending on other mental attributes).
Pressure: How well he/she is able to handle pressure on and off the field. For a player, it indicates how well he handles pressure built up in the lead-up to a game, mostly through expectation of the fans, media and manager. Will also affect player’s ability to perform under pressure in a match situation
Professionalism: How likely the player is to (publicly) rise above criticism (from his manager, fans or the media). This, along with Natural Fitness, does play a big part in affecting the length of time that the player remains at his peak CA, how long he stays in the game as a player and how likely a player is to get to his potential. Players who are professional would show their dedication by performing solidly in training, taking friendlies seriously etc.
Sportsmanship: How likely the member of staff is to show a sporting approach towards his opponents, both on or off the field. Diving, time-wasting and spitting are examples that would suggest that the player would qualify for a low sportsmanship rating
Temperament: How well he keeps his temper on and off the field. For a player, it indicates how likely the he is to keep his cool in high pressure situations, or under provocation.
Versatility: This refers to a player's ability to play in different positions other than their natural one(s). It is also one of the factors that determine how long it takes for a player to learn a new position. The higher this attribute, the higher likelihood that they will learn and retain new positions more comfortably.
(Copied from The FMWIKI)

So, logic suggests that these attributes effect each other. Logic, rather obviously, is correct. Below I've split them down into different categories than the ones above.


These are (obviously) the base action that the player is performing. These are the attributes that don't (as far as I know) impact on others.
-Free Kicks
-Long Throws
-Off The Ball

Tier 1 Effectors

These are the first attributes that effect the base action first. For example, shooting from outside the area will first use 'Finishing' to determine the accuracy of the shot in general then 'Long Shots' to apply that outside of the area.

The Tier 1 Effectors are
-Long Shots

2nd Tier Effectors

These are the attributes that will effect the final finish of the action a player takes. Technique, for example, will effect the players ability to find a teammate through a tight gap, even if he has the creativity and passing ability to see the pass.

These are
-Work Rate
-Team Work

As you can guess, the base action won't be effected by just a single 1st Tier or 2nd Tier effector; It'll be effected by several, like a branch graph. For Example, here's a graph about how passing is worked out in the Match Engine:

View attachment 320870

Well, well done if you got through that! Bit long winded but I felt detail was needed :)

Laffles Out!!