
Dec 6, 2010
Reaction score
This thread is here for those FM fans from the land down under. It's tough to get a game going with you poms when games are typically run in the local hours of 2am - 8am!!

Obviously the average Aussie FM manager is few and far between so if you are keen on a game drop your name here in this EOI thread and we'll look to get something going when there's enough interest.

UPDATE: Now that there is sufficient interest and it seems people are keen on A-League i'm releasing team availability.

Adelaide United - RKJ
Brisbane Roar - twoleftfeet2

Central Coast Mariners
Gold Coast United - Byond
Melbourne Heart - Sam Leeds United
Melbourne Victory - parko_74
Newcastle Jets - Blindasamelon
North Queensland Fury - yAmMsAo
Perth Glory - FlyHigher
Sydney FC - RVPandFF
Wellington Phoenix

UPDATE: Game will be run on the 11.2.1/ 11.2 patch.


Hamachi Details:

Network I.D: FM A-League
Password: 123
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i would be very interested, never done a network game due to the time issues, so may need a bit of help early on
Yeah that's cool, basically you just need to be up to date with the latest patch and have a program called hamachi. Other than that its alot like solo except you can chat in game, slag off other player managers randomly in the press and player vs player when you draw their team.

Might even do the A-league to be alittle different. Keep up to date with the thread and we'll get things moving when we get more numbers.
yeh i might, ive never done a network game either. put my name down and i might give it a go.
a-league would be interesting, a-league or premier legaue i reckon.
im happy with any league if A-League is chosen id definently be interested in Adelaide United
Team availability is now updated, also game settings will be small database & playable league set only to Australia so we can get the best game speeds possible.
Also could people start posting their availability along with chosen team.

how does it work exactly?? do you have to be active alot?? but im interested in North Queensland Fury **** ;)
thursday and friday nights are no good and sundays im only available after 9:30pm due to work, but all other days are fine
I'd love to try this out for a change of pace.
Never played in the A-League without using my beloved Melbourne Victory, but could you please put me down for Sydney FC.

Anytime except friday night works for me :)
how does it work exactly?? do you have to be active alot?? but im interested in North Queensland Fury **** ;)

Once we fill enough teams we'll set a start date (which will probably be a Sunday). Teams are reserved here however, the final allocation will be decided on the day as will the regular playing days.

Players won't be required to be 100% active we want to have as many users are possible but obviously commitments pop-up and that's ok, just try to be regular on the agreed dates (3-4 days max per week). Short term your team will simulated as we want the game to flow, and long term if someone pulls out we'll find a replacement player.

It would be great if everyone who hasn't played a network game before went over this excellent sticky thread on how to join a game before the start date:
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so what sort of date we looking at for a start i would suggest after the new year maybe??