Avram Grant To Remain West Ham Manager


Nice Guy Gramps
Oct 23, 2009
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It has been confirmed that Grant will remain West Ham manager, after O'Neill turned down the chance to manager West Ham. The Board, and Grant, are now working to identify suitable transfer targets to improve the squad. Legal action is also being looked at, as a result of certain allegations that were made, potentially by somebody within the club.

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Good. The way they've treated him is disgustingly, especially as it looks like they're turning a corner. With what, 4 wins in 7? From what I remember, that is the 2nd/3rd best record in the Premier League. Also I read that Karen Brady sent a text to the senior West Ham players basically asking wht their thoughts on Grant were and basically saying that they want him gone?

If I were Grant, I'd resign. He is far too good for West Ham. Brady, Gold and Sullivan - A cancer in football.
I agree. If she did text them, well that says it all about the board. They're quite obviously desperate for a scapegoat, so they're keeping him on. I really don't want West Ham to go down, as come across their fans, and they're great people, fiercely loyal, and they're being so disrespected by the board its unreal. Like you said, hes potentially turned a corner and he's got this hanging over him. Stinks to high heaven. I still think he's a very good manager, he was one kick from a Champions League Final win. The board should also look at the committment of some of the players. I wish Grant luck tbh, he does deserve better.
well karen brady is a ***** who needs a bullet. Avram's such a decent guy, he doesn't deserve to be treated the way he has been. from what we know of him though, he's also not gonna give this job up easily. I'd love to see him guide them to safety and make them eat their words.
Our club is a shambles atm absolutely embarrassing. The only reason why Grant is staying is because O'Neill has properly seen who is behind this club and its those three twats gold, sullivan and brady. We DONT want the olympic stadium, most fans wanted grant out, but they don't listen. They're ruining our club, and in the process dis-engaging supporters. We haven't turned a corner, as I've said many times, the run we had in the christmas period did not warrant out performances. We got wins by playing poorly, it's good for while it's happening, but then when you look at the match we play poorly, and that is down to Grant, not motivation. I wanted Grant to go but not we're gonna have to back him.

Annoyingly, the 'striker' we're linked with is Peguy Luyindula, and we understand at west ham, that Pablo mouche will arrive in London for a medical sometime this week. Luyindula is a donkey, something we have at west ham already in Cole and Piquionne. Poor signings for a team in a relegation fight, which Grant has already proven in signing Barrera and Reid.
well o'neills not going there so............
im happy grant is staying on cos hes a pretty decent manager whos been unfortunate, the players should recieve most of the blame..............hes a pretty nice guy and a solid manager
I'm surprised he'd want to though tbh if that rumour about Brady is true. Disgusting. But some players need to take a look st themselves too
I'd resign if I was Grant rather than work for those owners. Quite ironic how Karen Brady spoke a lot on The Apprentice about manners and etiquette.
They don't treat him nice but I can't see quality in Grant...would like to see some West Ham fans opinions in this thread

I didn't saw post from westham234,my bad
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Get someone who speaks English well, or a club legend, somebody who knows the club, their passion, their fans. And this guy is a REAL west ham legend.
you know who iam thinking of yes PAULO DI CANIO!!!!