Awesome Regista Tac, Great Results so far: tons of CC's and Clean Sheets

The save I was in was an online game that I was playing with my bros. They wanted to quit as I was dominating, so I wasn't able to continue that game. I'm not sure if it will continue to be strong in second season. I did vacation multiple times using it and it worked well during the vacations. But those were all using Man U first season. If you would like to try that I would appreciate it.
Very interesting. I have a tactic very similar to this that i created. Difference was that I had a DLP on defend and a BWM on support. also i had one Complete wing back for the left to cover the width of my inside forward
Very interesting. I have a tactic very similar to this that i created. Difference was that I had a DLP on defend and a BWM on support. also i had one Complete wing back for the left to cover the width of my inside forward

Was yours successful? It seems to be a more defensive version of mine. Were you able to still control possession? I am wondering because I am trying to see how I could adapt this for when I use weaker teams.
Just as a general note, I would love if anyone has tried this out to let me know how it's going. Also, if you make tweaks that seem to improve it that would also be nice to know.
See you signed Florenzi like I did for Man Utd. do you play him in the middle of the park or out wide. Your using a similar philosophy to my save just check out the thread "Who says you can't win with one tactic" to see how you might get on.
I played him as the BBM role. Unfortunately he didn't play very well for me at all, but was injured for about 3 months. I will check it out.
Was yours successful? It seems to be a more defensive version of mine. Were you able to still control possession? I am wondering because I am trying to see how I could adapt this for when I use weaker teams.

Yeah, its pretty succesful. I kept a lot of clean sheets and i do control possession pretty well. I rarely have the retain possession instruction on either. Maybe because my team has a lot of quality players that it proves very fruitful, but logically it works well defensively and offensively. It's perfectly balanced IMO.
Yeah, its pretty succesful. I kept a lot of clean sheets and i do control possession pretty well. I rarely have the retain possession instruction on either. Maybe because my team has a lot of quality players that it proves very fruitful, but logically it works well defensively and offensively. It's perfectly balanced IMO.

Share your tactic mate :)
I'm up to season 2025/26 in my save and have just started experimenting with a Regista - and it's going quite well. It's interesting that you have Michael Carrick in the Regista role in your screenshot because watching my man play that role (a Brazilian regen called Sandro who I brought to Southampton from Arsenal) in the Comprehensive match animation view, it was Carrick who immediately sprung to mind as the most similar-in-style real world player... which then lead me to thinking "What the **** has happened to Michael Carrick? He seems to have dropped off the face of the earth!"

He sits at the base of the midfield in support of attacking play or general midfield keep-ball possession and knocks short passes left and right to the other midfielders and full-backs, usually leaving it to them to progress attacks but occasionally hitting a More Direct Pass (as instructed by me) if a winger or forward has space to run into. Daley Blind's debut performance for United against QPR yesterday was similar, although many of his passes were backwards and sideways among the defenders so I think his role would more accurately be described in FM parlance as Anchor Man. I thought Blind was excellent, actually, and he - as much as Di Maria - is going to be the answer to United's recent problems.
No offense for the tactic creator but testing with Manchester isnt best way to test a tactic.If anyone use default tactic has a high chance for same results.
No offense for the tactic creator but testing with Manchester isnt best way to test a tactic.If anyone use default tactic has a high chance for same results.

Yes - I agree with that. Playing FM as Manchester United (or Chelsea, Juventus, Barcelona, Real Madrid, Bayern etc) is like playing in Easy mode. But, if you're a United fan then I can see the attraction - especially with their current squad where there are so many tactical possibilities but no obvious "right" way to set them up.

I'm not going to get FM15 but when FM16 comes out, I'm going to try and conquer Europe with IFK Gothenburg. Always had a soft spot for them and they have fallen off their perch in Sweden over the last 10 years or so; I reckon I'm just the man to re-establish them... or drive myself insane in the attempt!