
Nov 18, 2008
Reaction score
Just download a new skin and my background pics are really bright makes it hard to read but my old skin the background pics were slight dull made it easier to read.

Im wonder how do you turn the brightness down

View attachment 129892 Old Skin

View attachment 129893 New Skin
you cant just turn the brightness down lol, here download this and extract it using winrar to: user documents/sports interactive/fm11/skins/skin name your using/graphics

its a background overlay to darken the screen,i used it for my skin i released 0wlsv1.0
if you need it even darker let me know ill adjust it and re upload it
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you cant just turn the brightness down lol, here download this and extract it using winrar to: user documents/sports interactive/fm11/skins/skin name your using/graphics

its a background overlay to darken the screen,i used it for my skin i released 0wlsv1.0
if you need it even darker let me know ill adjust it and re upload it

didnt know what else to say. thanks

Still the same mate
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ahh yeah duh sorry you obviously need the xml to go with that to make the overlay show,silly me ill get on to it later on today ive just got pop to hillsborough to get some tickets


ok bud 2 options:

1, ok 1st copy and paste the globel panels xml from user documents/SI/FM11/skins/skin name your using/panels into a safe place on your hardrive this is incase things dont work

then download this globals xml here and extract the globals xml to the panels folder in the skin your using then load the game and see if the bkground is darker,your still need to have the previous file you downloaded from me installed the bkground overlay

if you get any problems like warnings then simply delete the global panel youve just put in and replace with the backed up one again and load the game it will be fine.

2nd option, let me know what the skin is your using and ill download it and get the overlay working then put it up for you to download,this would probably be the better option
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yeah that was the risk it could have changed other settings slighty,if i had the skin myself i would of just found and changed the code for the bkground overlay rather than copy the whole globel xml thats why i suggested letting me know the skin name so i could download it and do it myself then re upload it for ya,i can still do that if you like just need know name of the skin that is,also i can make it a lil more darker if need be,that what you have there with overlaping boxes is just a matter of changing a couple of numbers as i think the background has got bigger and pushed things up
yeah that was the risk it could have changed other settings slighty,if i had the skin myself i would of just found and changed the code for the bkground overlay rather than copy the whole globel xml thats why i suggested letting me know the skin name so i could download it and do it myself then re upload it for ya,i can still do that if you like just need know name of the skin that is,also i can make it a lil more darker if need be,that what you have there with overlaping boxes is just a matter of changing a couple of numbers as i think the background has got bigger and pushed things up

Its the man utd skin with my own background images