BAFTA Game of the Year Award

Who should win the video game BAFTA for 2009?

  • FIFA 10

    Votes: 6 11.8%
  • Uncharted 2: Among Theives

    Votes: 3 5.9%
  • Zelda: Spirit Tracks

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • The Beatles Rockband

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • GTA: Chincatown Wars

    Votes: 3 5.9%
  • Assasins Creed 2

    Votes: 7 13.7%
  • Street Fighter IV

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • Batman: Arkham Asylum

    Votes: 4 7.8%
  • WiiSports Resort

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • Modern Warfare 2

    Votes: 28 54.9%

  • Total voters
It has to be MW2 IMO. Although lately I haven't played it that much, I've still got shitloads of playtime from it and none of the games on that list (That I have played) are better in Entertainment value.
Actually, my vote wouldn't go to any of those.

Demon's Souls (A ridiculously difficult game), Dragon Age: Origins (Good, solid RPG, no Baldur's Gate 2, but still very playable!), Darkfall (MMORPH, FFA PvP, full loot, skill system instead of level system)

Wiki said:
In their 2009 Best and Worst Awards, GameSpot awarded Demon's Souls with Overall Game of the Year,[43] Best PS3[44] game, Best Role-Playing game[45] and Best Original Game Mechanic (for the online integration).[46] Game Trailers award it Best RPG[47] and Best New Intellectual Property[48] while RPGFan awarded it Best RPG for the PS3[49] and Best Console Action-RPG.[50] IGN and VGChartz also awarded the game Best RPG for the PS3.[51][52] X-Play awarded the multiplayer Best Gameplay Innovation.[53] PC World awarded it Game of the Year.[54] RPGamer awarded Demon's Souls RPG of the Year 2009, including Best Graphics and Best PS3 RPG. RPG Land awarded it the titles of Best PS3 game and Game of the Year 2009.[55]

A friend of mine ripped MW2 to bits as well (Storyline wise).

Vessol said:
The story felt half-baked. Like they took a bunch of concepts, threw them in a hat and pulled them out one by one. The evil Russian has no apparent motive except that he was the student of the bad guy of the first game who apparently hated America for no real reason given. Oh and concenitnetly, the vaguely named "Ultranationalists" captured Russia, and there is no more info on that.

The invasion timeline makes no ******* sense, on day 3 the airport **** happens, and just one day later the mainland USA is under massive ******* invasion. 1) How the **** did the Russian army prepare that fast? 2) How the **** did they actually invade all of the East Coast without no one noticing, or even start a build up without U.S intelligence noticing? You thought 9/11 was a big **** up by the intelligence agencies(and it definitely was), **** man, they should all be hung after this.

Not to mention the airport level having TONS of holes. Such as 1) Why the **** didn't they wear masks, security footage and eyewitnesses could easily identify them. 2) How the **** does he frame the CIA agent by killing him, when two of his own men are killed too? Seriously, it ignores that completely, only him and Viktor survive. 3) How the **** would they find out you were American/CIA to begin with? Were you carrying some nametag or something? If you can get into a terrorist organization and fool them that you are a Russian, how the **** could they identify that your body was not Russian and was infact CIA?

As for General Shepperd, I saw it coming a mile away. When you start finding downed pilots and **** for him in America . It really doesn't explain this at all, it hardly infers that he was the one whom planned the whole Airport thing and exposed the CIA agent to Makarov. As for his motives, they were ******* retarded. "A nuke went off 5 years ago and killed a bunch of my men! And no one cared! So I'm going to start a war so people will line up at recruiting stations". How ******* inefficient. If he wanted more recruits, he should just follow the modern example and created an economic depression, seriously, lately the Army has no shortage of meat for the grinder. Seriously man, ******* dumb *** motives.

And the **** is up with Captain Mustache coming back? He died in the first game. And even if he was only wounded, how was he captured and put in a Gulag? When you are rescued by your own men! Did they like leave him and the bad guys took him away and locked him up in an old castle? And what the **** was that idea to hijack and nuke the United States? The whole eastern seaboard was EMPed. Sure he may have stopped the Russian invasion, but he probably killed hundreds of thousands, if not millions, of Americans. Citizens were being evacuated by the military in planes and helecopters, and if the Russian helecopters are going down, you can be **** sure all the American ones are too. Not to mention those whom are wounded who would require ******* technology to save their *****. Oh yeah, and the cloud of radiation ******* up the U.S for the rest of a thousand years. Thanks Captain Mustache.

As for the game itself. No dedicated servers? That's pretty awful, as what keeps a lot of games alive are mods done by players, just look at Counter Strike: S.
I wish you could vote twice, not sure whether to vote for uncharted or assassins creed need to sleep on that one i think.

Both games are awesome.

MW2, in my opinion, was very overrated. Assassin's Creed 2 was very good.

What he said.
WiiSports resort will win! The original wiped the floor with everyone a few years back! only coz it gets people to move!
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As good as MW2 is, I think that the story in Assassin's Creed 2 is better, as is the gameplay, and I for one preferred playing Creed to MW2. I expect MW2 will win it though since it has such a high profile and is so universally popular, as well as being a good game.
Modern Warfare 2 will win it, undoubtedly.

I lost interest in the game recently unfortunately. It's a great game, but it has its flaws. Just a shame the developers went overboard with this one rather than keeping it simple like Call of Duty 4.
Modern Warfare 2 will win it, undoubtedly.

I lost interest in the game recently unfortunately. It's a great game, but it has its flaws. Just a shame the developers went overboard with this one rather than keeping it simple like Call of Duty 4.

Personally I think if it was as simple as Call of Duty 4 it would be even more disappointing. However, the changes that they did make have made it so that this game is very camp-friendly. Not to mention the numerous glitches that were available to the players due to these new additions (Eg Fast running Care Package marker glitch as well as the actual Care package glitch).
im bored of mw2 now, ive got so much playtime and ive really made it boring for myself, ive switched to forza motorsport, its AMAZING, also bioshock 2 is a good game so far
Personally I think if it was as simple as Call of Duty 4 it would be even more disappointing. However, the changes that they did make have made it so that this game is very camp-friendly. Not to mention the numerous glitches that were available to the players due to these new additions (Eg Fast running Care Package marker glitch as well as the actual Care package glitch).

If they kept the basic Call of Duty mechanics, i.e. the regular 3-5-7 kill streak system, regular knifing, etc, and updated the weapons, the perks and maps (as they did), then it'd be a better game in my opinion.

As you said, this game is camp-friendly. Well, it's also spawn-kill friendly, knifing-from-three-meters-away friendly and shoot-a-rocket-seven-metres-away-and-kill friendly (Javelin).

I prefer Call of Duty 4, and would definitely still play it if more people were around the game.
If they kept the basic Call of Duty mechanics, i.e. the regular 3-5-7 kill streak system, regular knifing, etc, and updated the weapons, the perks and maps (as they did), then it'd be a better game in my opinion.

As you said, this game is camp-friendly. Well, it's also spawn-kill friendly, knifing-from-three-meters-away friendly and shoot-a-rocket-seven-metres-away-and-kill friendly (Javelin).

I prefer Call of Duty 4, and would definitely still play it if more people were around the game.

Indeed the spawn system is flawed on MW2 and the Commando Perk is ridiculous. Overall though if the two games (MW2 and CoD4) were released at the same time I think I would prefer the former.
How did I know that this would turn into a MW2 debate thread.. At the end of the day, it's just a game, if you don't like it, don't play it. I get sick and tired of my friends and people on the internet complaining about one thing or another to do with it, it's just getting old. If you want to talk about MW2's fail then use the discussion thread.

Although feel free to compare MW2 with Zelda! :D

I think it's stupid putting Zelda in the list, I mean sure it may be a good game, but it's market range is what 3-12? I can't see it getting many votes. Same as GTA, it's a handheld game, the market for that is very small. It was just a bad year for games last year, at least this year we have Mass Effect 2 & Bioshock 2 and it's only February!
I chose Batman: Arkham Asylum, everything about that game is great.
I especially like the hand to hand combat and the detective mode you can switch to, to see if there are other bad guys around i use that feature all the time.
I think the only thing i dont like about the game is the platforming levels where you have to get past the scarecrow ...that is sooo scary! ...i'm getting used to them now though! haha (i scare very easily!)
I chose Batman: Arkham Asylum, everything about that game is great.
I especially like the hand to hand combat and the detective mode you can switch to, to see if there are other bad guys around i use that feature all the time.
I think the only thing i dont like about the game is the platforming levels where you have to get past the scarecrow ...that is sooo scary! ...i'm getting used to them now though! haha (i scare very easily!)
Agreed :) Cant wait for the sequel.
loved assassins creed 2 but call of duty will win it
How did I know that this would turn into a MW2 debate thread.. At the end of the day, it's just a game, if you don't like it, don't play it. I get sick and tired of my friends and people on the internet complaining about one thing or another to do with it, it's just getting old. If you want to talk about MW2's fail then use the discussion thread.

Although feel free to compare MW2 with Zelda! :D

I think it's stupid putting Zelda in the list, I mean sure it may be a good game, but it's market range is what 3-12? I can't see it getting many votes. Same as GTA, it's a handheld game, the market for that is very small. It was just a bad year for games last year, at least this year we have Mass Effect 2 & Bioshock 2 and it's only February!

To be fair, I was giving valid reasons as to why it should perhaps not win this award (although it clearly will). Therefore my posts were related entirely to this topic, unless of course this topic allows just a single post per user with their vote.

Since you brought up Zelda though, did you not even enjoy the early Zelda games? Ocarina of Time especially comes to mind; which is miles ahead of Modern Warfare 2 in terms of enjoyability, and it's about 10 years old.

I am curious as to how many of the games listed those people who are voting have played.
Uncharted 2 is a great game loving the story line to it, also assassin creed 2 also is class, it will tough to choose a winner this year:p
To be fair, I was giving valid reasons as to why it should perhaps not win this award (although it clearly will). Therefore my posts were related entirely to this topic, unless of course this topic allows just a single post per user with their vote.

Since you brought up Zelda though, did you not even enjoy the early Zelda games? Ocarina of Time especially comes to mind; which is miles ahead of Modern Warfare 2 in terms of enjoyability, and it's about 10 years old.

I am curious as to how many of the games listed those people who are voting have played.

I didn't mean that, sure you were giving valid reasons, but they are the same reasons everyone gives.. It's just a bit old. And no I don't want one post per vote I just want it to play down on the MW2 front and hopefully people will talk about other games.

No, I've never really played Zelda, I wasn't saying it was a bad game, just that most of it's target audience probably won't know about the award.

And I personally have only played FIFA10, Street Fighter IV & MW2, I thought they all sucked.
Fifa 10: Its not bad but hardly a improvement from the last version, When they first brought the game out they said they fixed most of the 'flaws' from fifa 09 but that was a huge lie because the first 20mins i found loads eg(secondary saves) if you know what i mean. I'm good/great at the game(not being cocky) but most of the time i try force myself to play online to get a good score but as you can see ive stopped I kind of agree with Aannddyy it does kind of suck.
Uncharted 2: Awesome.
Zelda Spirit Tracks: Havent played but im sure its quite good.
The Beatles Rockband: Ive played rockband which was class so again im sure this is a good game.
GTA Chinatown Wars: Havent played.
Assassins Creed 2: Awesome.
Street Fighter IV: Its a ok game, gets boring after like a hour of play time tho i wasnt very good at it online either so that sucks.
Batman Arkham Asylum: A very good game, only downside to the game was the riddles:S God took me ages to find out what to do.
WiiSports Resort: Havent got a Wii, but getting one soon games like super mario galaxy/mario kart/super smash bros brawl have pursuaded me to get one as they have very good reviews on even better than mw2!.
Modern Warfare 2: Its not bad but definitely over hyped by people imo, too many things about the game itself ****** me off and shooting games isnt me thing. Just like fifa most of the time i just force myself to reached maximum level then dont prestige and dont play the game ever again.
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