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I'm sorry pal :( I'm 20 and I don't have to shave. I'm feeling like a bald p****. Friends keep making fun of me, telling me I'm a baby and stuff. My GF once said to me, "grow a beard, i love feeling of a rough beard on my face". I didn't say anything, i just left. I hate my life.
Oh sorry, this is about you, I can give you phone number of my shrink. He's very good.
Also I read an article about how hair gel causes excessive damage to your roots. It has been linked to hair loss so try not use it unless your heading out. I gel my hair maybe once a week, sometimes less. And to slow down the process use a hydrating shampoo with lots of minerals as they are good for your scalp and your roots mate. I used to have the problem of looking younger than I am. Then I grew a goatee and havnt been asked for ID since. I highly recommend it for anybody old enough to grow facial hair
Then I grew a goatee and havnt been asked for ID since. I highly recommend it for anybody old enough to grow facial hair

But then how will anyone identify your evil twin if you grow a goatee too? ;)
But then how will anyone identify your evil twin if you grow a goatee too? ;)

He already admitted to ginger hair, sounds like Steve IS the evil twin to me.

Curtis, if you're going bald, you may as well go out with a bang and go for this:

But then how will anyone identify your evil twin if you grow a goatee too? ;)

Im bad enough, dont need an evil twin. Seriously, if you seen me I'm scary :P

---------- Post added at 02:20 AM ---------- Previous post was at 02:17 AM ----------

He already admitted to ginger hair, sounds like Steve IS the evil twin to me.

You zoomed me ;)

Yes i have my psychotic episodes that I link to my hair colour....but Im really just evil.
Think im the only openly ginger person on the forum :P
Talk to Kris ;)

Sigh, three comments before the first Kris joke.

Duplicate accounts aren't allowed Kris, you should have known better.

Ps. I'll send this stash your way;


That was actually quite good.

Honestly there isn't much you can do about it. It's worse trying to cover it up so just shave it off.
Unfortunately there isn't much you can do about your hair now. I definitely wouldn't try to disguise it either because nothing looks worse than a man trying to cover up being bald. It makes the situation worse.

The best advice i could give is just learn to accept it, i mean there much worse things that could happen. Don't let it ruin your life though, you're young and you have your life ahead of you. :) Lots of women like men who are bald or who have little hair! I don't think anyone will look at you and say 'aww look he's bald' I think the majority of people won't even care. As long as you have a great personality and you are confident in yourself people will automatically look past your hair and see you for who you are.
Plus you won't have to fork out for a haircut anymore-more money for booze. With every cloud there's a silver lining
Take it like a man, unless you're a women then be worried.

Shave it all off and just beat nature to it, easier to accept it and get used to it now than slowly wait for it to fall out.
Unfortunately there isn't much you can do about your hair now. I definitely wouldn't try to disguise it either because nothing looks worse than a man trying to cover up being bald. It makes the situation worse.

The best advice i could give is just learn to accept it, i mean there much worse things that could happen. Don't let it ruin your life though, you're young and you have your life ahead of you. :) Lots of women like men who are bald or who have little hair! I don't think anyone will look at you and say 'aww look he's bald' I think the majority of people won't even care. As long as you have a great personality and you are confident in yourself people will automatically look past your hair and see you for who you are.

To be fair, everyone slags me off for being bald.
There are three looks when you start balding -

Trump -

clearly a toupee

Charlton -

Homer -
Unfortunately there isn't much you can do about your hair now. I definitely wouldn't try to disguise it either because nothing looks worse than a man trying to cover up being bald. It makes the situation worse.

That is such a good point. Nothing, but NOTHING, is worse than a man with a bad combover.
I do feel for you mate, I will be 26 in 19 days time and I have/had a beard that would put Sebastian Chabal to shame at times, my school made me shave from like 15 or so! I have a full head of hair as well, no receding hairline and its thick as ****! My dad started to go bald a few years back and I thought, **** it, I am nothing like him (cause he is a doos) so I will be fine! My grandfather at the age of 93 when he passed away had thicker hair than I have now and I am hoping that I will take after him! (holding thumbs)

as a few people said, DO NOT try and cover it up, it makes you look like you are ashamed of it when there is nothing you can do about it, **** them, **** everyone, rock it and be proud of it! its you, its how you were made and you should be proud of that! so chin up and don't lose any more hair over it :P
I had the same problem for a while when I was at USA. The water there has different properties so my hair fell everytime I took a shower. After a while it stopped. I feel I have a bit less hair now in the front of my hairline but nothing serious. I think it was just my "baby hair" falling off. It's been 6 months now and the problem is gone, but it still scared the ***** out of me.

---------- Post added at 03:24 PM ---------- Previous post was at 03:21 PM ----------

I had the same problem for a while when I was at USA. The water there has different properties so my hair fell everytime I took a shower. After a while it stopped. I feel I have a bit less hair now in the front of my hairline but nothing serious. I think it was just my "baby hair" falling off. It's been 6 months now and the problem is gone, but it still scared the ***** out of me.

(Another option is to start putting in some muscle mass to make you look big, no one will make fun of your hair, or lack of it)
To be fair, Kris gets all the chicks and hes gone/going bald or has a skinhead/massive *****.
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Yeah the shaved head is actually quite a good look. Dont shave it completely, leave the bare minimum. A lot of girls are into slapheads.
To be fair, Kris gets all the chicks and hes gone/going bald or has a skinhead/massive *****.

Kris, don't edit my posts! Last time I saw you try and pull, two birds walked away from you nearly chundering! And I am sure you got a slap, or were close to getting one! :P
Kris, don't edit my posts! Last time I saw you try and pull, two birds walked away from you nearly chundering! And I am sure you got a slap, or were close to getting one! :P

No no no. That's the girl that Lee pushed me into and started mouthing off at me, I called her a specky ***** and then tried to do the 'what's that on your shirt' and she lost it!