
Apr 2, 2009
Reaction score
I will just show you something ...commentary from you guys :)
You my Sir are what we call a FM God...
i think he's just showing off his game and special tactic
either this is the worst opening for a story, or its in the worng place
So..You do like it :D :D :) ..I am new at the forum and do not know it very good
We now have the reason for the placement and lack of detail.

welcome ;)
Wow that's impressive. I've seen them tactics before I know Barca kinda lineup like that IRL I think I've seen them on the Sports Interactive Forums. I think you should upload them if you haven't already. Oh yeah what else did you win apart from the league?
yeah ...true true..I got David Villa 40 mil and sell Ibra to City for 40...i am in need of 15 mils for rooney ...but no more becouse the board give me extra 50 mils come on wayne
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Bqndata - i was wondering if you could upload this tactic and let me experiment with it? it looks amazing! if you've posted it somewhere else could you link me please? thank you! :)