Become a wonderkid

Same here.
Still not getting playing time at Arsenal :(
Had another great season and Sunderland and seem to be helping them push up the league, also won young player of the month 4 times which is nice! Just need to hold off Peter Kranjcec at the top of the leaderboard :P
Season 5 review

Sorry for long wait, next update will be tomorrow or Monday

View attachment 469125

Awards/Exceptonal Performances/League Tables


Scotty Houghton Sunderland-> Liverpool 31,5M
Mason Valderrama Southampton -> Man City 19,5M
Akash Sky Swansea -> Man City 20,5M
Harry Derp Tottenham -> Bayern M 18,5M
Petar Kranjcec WBA -> Arsenal 18,5M
Demba Bastholm Everton -> PSG 10,5M
Kieran Laing -> Stoke (contract expired)
Streetlamp le Moose -> Sunderland (contract expired)
Nothing new for me,my player is almost the same,developed a bit though.
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That brings my total paid for me to 40 million ._. Wonder what the weather is like in Germany..
Had a good season with Villa last time out, Stoke have got themselves a player!
I will be updating next season tonight and one more important notice

i will update at least 10 seasons (that is minimum) , imay more , but how much more i really dont know and after 1oth season i will provide little more info about your players (things like information and history)
And still if you want some screen at the moment just request it here or in PM
Completely forgot about this one! Transfer to Man City, not bad I guess even if I do hate everything about that club...