I used the search, didnt find a post about him. Maybe this will be closed on pretext that he is a world know star or whatever. But i've been wondering the production you guys get out of him. I bought him for 122m euro at the start of my 5th campain. Yes i know, there's plenty of better players out there for less, but i had the money, i had a team i really liked and didn't wish to bring in other big names and my Right wing was my weak point.
Now , his production isn't bad, but if you look at his rating, it kinda sucks for Messi. Considering he is mostly a streaky guy.
I use him at Advance Playmaker Attack. He doesnt do well in Inside or winger :S
Now , his production isn't bad, but if you look at his rating, it kinda sucks for Messi. Considering he is mostly a streaky guy.
I use him at Advance Playmaker Attack. He doesnt do well in Inside or winger :S
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