Best cure for a hangover?

  • Thread starter Thread starter Steve*
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Cheers guys, went for a run and had a big dirty fry this morning and am not feeling too bad this morning. Best think is the missus got held up so have more time to feel sorry for myself ;) Never actually knew salt was a good thing for it. will keep that in mind for the next time.

I think Iv learned my lesson...dont go drinking with teenagers again, cant keep up with them shots :P
Wish this thread was here last night. Here's a little bit of advice-avoid Jagerbombs, Tequila, Stella, Sambucca, and Vodka in the same 2 hour session. To say I was ****** beyond belief is the worlds biggest understatement. can feel myself dying on the inside. Never drinking again :'(
Drink the next day...
If your still in shape, make some pasta and drink lots of water.

Oh **** no about salt, i was completely ****** one night, my mate filled a glass of water up with salt for me. Lets just say i destroyed his toilet that night..
I always drink loads of milk before I go to bed, as hydrating as water and it doesn't make you pee, definitely softens a hangover.

Also ignore Mike, powerade is not good! It's rough when you have a hangover, and will probably make you chunder, never had lucozade sport, probably does the same thing.. Drink vitamin water, it's getting pretty big now so you should be able to get some! Also eggs! Lots of eggs, nom protein, and other greasy ****.

Oh and having a lovely beer poo is always relieving, delightful :)
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I usually just go for a really long run or hit the gym in the moning. Feels like it's a bad idea but does he trick.
Now I never really get a hangover, no matter how much I drink I think. But I always drinks a lot of water before going to bed and in the first glass of water I put salt in. It doesn't taste good, but I heard salty things should do good if you want to prevent hangover. I do this to make sure I don't get a hangover, but I always feel good next day.

Salt is the opposite to what you want while hungover.

Powerade. <3

---------- Post added at 03:04 PM ---------- Previous post was at 03:03 PM ----------

Wish this thread was here last night. Here's a little bit of advice-avoid Jagerbombs, Tequila, Stella, Sambucca, and Vodka in the same 2 hour session. To say I was ****** beyond belief is the worlds biggest understatement. can feel myself dying on the inside. Never drinking again :'(

The only time I've had a truly bad hangover was when doing sambucca shots. I hate aniseed flavour with a passion as well.
Salt is the opposite to what you want while hungover.

Powerade. <3

---------- Post added at 03:04 PM ---------- Previous post was at 03:03 PM ----------

The only time I've had a truly bad hangover was when doing sambucca shots. I hate aniseed flavour with a passion as well.

That's a big vice for me-anything with aniseed-Sambucca especially. Can happily neck them all day straight. Though I shan't be mixing them with JD for a good while-the results are catastrophic to say the least.