Best Players you have had offered to out of the blue

Fellaini (sp?) - £9million-ish
got offered 20 mill and Gago for Diarra by Madrid after 1season were i only give 12 mill for him, class player but Gago filled the void perfectly, with a nice little profit!!
Adriano-5.5,Steve Mandanda-8m,Balotelli-6m,,Matias Fernandez-9m,dos Santos-4m,Traore-3.5m,Pandev-8m,Vela,15m(kinda gud considering i sold him back to Arsenal for 50m the next season!).
dos santos 6m, alexis sanchez 6m, gokhan inler 10m, pique 7m
im in my third season with newcastle united and got offered Henry for 1.7 mill i scranned barcas hand off and hes played 7 games and scored 5 already the fans love him hes gettin on but its henry and his stats are still there excellent bit of business me thinks
My Mate had Sanchez offered to him for 17.25 million,,,,poor really has he should of bought him for cheaper when he stated the game lol
Niko Kranjcar £4m and Mikel Arteta £10m
mikel arteta 8million nice little bargain to bring into my inter milan side scoring goals for fun in serie A
I swear on my mums life Diego from Ac Milan on a free for St Mirren season after they bought him for 20.5 million they hadn't even played him.