Jan 17, 2010
Reaction score
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Hey all. With FM17s early access, I like to venture out into the world and manage teams I'm not often
familiar with. I've never been to Australia (still haven't been managing this team :p ) so I decided to fire
up the A-League and get stuck into BETA testing. And well, I've found the stories are a lot of fun to write
and ye seem to like my stories.

This isn't going to be a serious save, not planning on it being in anyway long term but it'll be fun
and a potential chance for the Australian League to grab hold of me and possibly bring me back here
for a serious save in the future :)

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Good luck with the Phoenix! Theyve been abysmal of late so it would be good to see a turn around!
Am I right in thinking they can't compete in the Asian champions leauge? I was them on FM14 on 1 of my journeyman saves, won the A League and the finals series but didn't get into the champions league, sure it said on 1 of the screens why they couldn't but I can't remember. Anyway I left for Perth Glory and go them into the champions league. Good luck all the same bro
Good luck with the Phoenix! Theyve been abysmal of late so it would be good to see a turn around!

Haha, cheers. they've not got much squad depth so if injuries mount up, I can see things going wrong.

Am I right in thinking they can't compete in the Asian champions leauge? I was them on FM14 on 1 of my journeyman saves, won the A League and the finals series but didn't get into the champions league, sure it said on 1 of the screens why they couldn't but I can't remember. Anyway I left for Perth Glory and go them into the champions league. Good luck all the same bro

Aye, they can't. The issue is that they are a New Zealand Club (Oceania Confederation) playing in the Australian League (Asian Confederation) so part of the conditions from the Asian Football organisation was that they can play but they are not eligible to qualify for the Asian Champions League since they are not a registered Asian Nation or Club.
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Pre Season

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A brief tour of fixtures agasint New Zeland Premier Division clubs and then we jet off to Sydney
for two games to have us ready for the FFA Cup 1st round tie agasint Central Coast Mariners FC.

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There is definitely some quality in the squad and a strong spine in Moss, Rossi and Finkler. Our stand=out
star player is Kiwi international Kosta Barbarouses who, when played on his natural right wing position
is lethal running those lines and taking on full backs.

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I thought I'd done enough to nick a point. The late goal was a kick int he teeth.

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The Red Card was what proved the difrence. We had the game reasonably under control but when
went down to 10 men, Sydney pulled us apart and scored 3 goals late in the game.

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Despite the result, there's no call for panic just yet. We've been unlucky and caught out
but with a few tactical adjustments, I'm sure I can get the league campaign back on track.

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We were absolutely on fire today and we reflected that on the score sheet. So proud of the team for
this result and lets hope it can kickstart our season into gear.

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I was kinde disappointed to to concede 3 goals in this match. Defensively we need to improve but
I guess I shouldn't be too upset if we're winning games.

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Always had a soft spot for Wellington Phoenix and regularly attempt a club and country save with them & New Zealand, unfortunately the continental ban (the Nix are not eligible for Asian continental competitions, and don't enter Oceania CL either) is a bit of a killer for both club finances and country's long term development.

good luck nonetheless! Yellow fever!
Always had a soft spot for Wellington Phoenix and regularly attempt a club and country save with them & New Zealand, unfortunately the continental ban (the Nix are not eligible for Asian continental competitions, and don't enter Oceania CL either) is a bit of a killer for both club finances and country's long term development.

good luck nonetheless! Yellow fever!

Aye, they're between a rock and a hard place which is why I opted to go with them for as a short term save. I might create the New Zealand League in the Editor when the full game is released and have a proper Kiwi save with Oceania Continental campaign
Looks like you need a young powerhouse center mid, time to head over to Western Knights... :p