
Nov 19, 2009
Reaction score
In my 9th season having managed RBL and Villareal, I got the job with Real Madrid and they had a regen AMC/ST who had scored 54 goals the prior season and who for me was on fire. He had 40 goals in 27 starts! But as the games got bigger he disappeared; Cup games vs Barcelona 0 goals 6.2 and 6.4 rating, CL games vs Man U 0 goals 6.4 and 6.1 rating...he finished the with 56 goals..i sold him to City for 94 million.

Now I want to build a squad of players who bring their best to Important matches. What 3 or 4 attributes do you think a "big Game" player should definitely have?
Important matches and consistency. lolz
Those are hidden attributes that would require an editor to see. I do not use an editor.
Use scout reports :)
If it doesn't say anything after you scouted player at least couple of times, then his hidden attributes are decent, but not good. In most cases that is.
I am trying to build a filter using scoutable attributes like determination, work rate and maybe bravery? My question is, if you were to select 3 or 4 attributes that you would use in a filter, what would they be if you were looking for a player that thrives under the pressure of a big match. As I am managing Real Madrid we have an extensive scouting team and have thoroughly scouted many many players so their attributes are visible and yes I had attribute masking on.
Those attributes does not matter. Your players can have 20s all over the place, but if important matches is low enough, they'll player in big games like Bambi on ice. But if you insist on having list of attributes, Decision and anticipation are two of most important attributes for pretty much any position. Then again, even if your player have 20 in those, if their important matches or consistency is low enough, they'll feel much lower.