
Jan 15, 2010
Reaction score
  • Your Team:
  • Opposition:
  • Score:
  • Possession:
  • Shots:
  • Opposition Shots:
  • Average Match Rating:
  • Opposition Average Rating:
  • Type of game (e.g Friendly, Liga BBVA):
  • Screenshot of match stats

Points System
  • Difference between scores... x5 (e.g 9-2 = 7x5 = 35 points)
  • Differnce between possession (e.g 60-40 = 20 points)
  • Difference between shots (e.g 15-5 = 10 points)
  • Differnce between match ratings... x2 (e.g 8-4 = 4x2 = 8 points)
  • Type of game (x2 if Champions League, Europa League, EPL, Liga BBVA, Serie A, Lique 1, German Bundesliga... x1.5 if SPL, Eredivisie, Portugese Premier Liga, English Championship... x1 if Friendly and any other)
  • So say it was in the English Premier League the total score would be (35+20+10+8)x2 =146 points :)
Top 10 Scores
  1. PenguinJr - (70+30+39+11.5) x2 = 301
  2. Markotemelkov - (60+32+31+9.44) x2 = 263.88
  3. Meemo - (45+18+24+7.26) x2 = 188.52
  4. csa99 - (70+40+49+8.44) x1 = 167.44
  5. -
  6. -
  7. -
  8. -
  9. -
  10. -
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Your Team: Barcelona
Opposition: Gladiator
Score: 14-0
Possession: 70:30
Shots: 49
Average Match Rating: 8.63
Opposition Average Match Rating: 4.41
View attachment 129088
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Team: Atletico Madrid
Opposition: Sporting (Liga BBVA)
Score: 9 - 0
Possession: 59% : 41%
Shots: 27
CCC: 7
we could make a points system out of it?
like u difference between the scores e.g if the score is 9-2 your get 7 points
then add the difference between the possession e.g 60-40 you get 20 points
difference between the shots e.g 20-4 you get 16 points ?
then the differnce between the average match ratings (x2) e.g 8-4 you get 4 points x2 give u 8 points
then multiply it by the type of game your playing (friendly = x1, champions league, EPL, Liga BBVA, Serie A = x2) (e.g Liga BBVA
(7+20+16+8) x2 = 102?
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we could make a points system out of it?
like u difference between the scores e.g if the score is 9-2 your get 7 points
then add the difference between the possession e.g 60-40 you get 20 points
difference between the shots e.g 20-4 you get 16 points ?
then the differnce between the average match ratings (x2) e.g 8-4 you get 4 points x2 give u 8 points
7+20+16+8 = 51?

cracking idea but maybe 5 points a goal instead of one.. cant really have the points for shots and goal being the same
yea so 5 points per goal :)
i've also added that u x2 if its in the champions league, EPL, Liga BBVA, Serie A, Lique 1, German Bundesliga, x1.5 for the scottish league etc, x1 if its a friendly?

---------- Post added at 09:36 PM ---------- Previous post was at 09:04 PM ----------

updated so that points sytem and top 10 scores are up :)
Your Team: Dinamo Zagreb
Opposition: HB
Score: 12:0
Possession: 66:34
Shots: 32
Opposition Shots: 1
Average Match Rating: 8.95
Opposition Average Rating: 4.23
Type of game (e.g Friendly, Liga BBVA): CL

View attachment 129294
Your Team: Dinamo Zagreb
Opposition: HB
Score: 12:0
Possession: 66:34
Shots: 32
Opposition Shots: 1
Average Match Rating: 8.95
Opposition Average Rating: 4.23
Type of game (e.g Friendly, Liga BBVA): CL

oocha new leader ;)
Your Team: Arsenal
Opposition: Aston Villa
Score: 14-0
Possession: 65:35
Shots: 41
Opposition Shots: 2
Average Match Rating: 9.18
Opposition Average Match Rating: 3.43
Type of Game: EPL



Opposition: Feucht
Possession: 78:22
Shots: 38 (on target: 24)
Score: 7:0