Birmingham - First Season - DM

Dec 2, 2009
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Just about to start up a new game (11.3 patch) as Birmingham. Playing a kind of 442, but 1 of the CMs is a DM. I've read up alot recently on Jordon Mutch but he isn't straight ready for the DM slot.

So was wondering who you guys would reccomend, maybe 4-6 million straight cash I can spend (after a few younger players too etc I will be selling 1 or 2 players to add up in the kitty). Payment over a longer peroid maybe an option too for the right player.

So who would you all suggest?

Thanks <)
Definitely the way to go with our current squad, there are a few DM's out there to fulfill this role, all depends on what type you want really. And whoever they are get them tutoring Jordan, great player!

And Brice Ntambwe also has great potential so nurture him also.
Annan doesn't wanna discuss terms with me atm :( shall check out Ntambew. Thanks for the replies.

Ntambwe looks a decent prospect!

If I can't get anyone ready atm for the slot I could always retrain Barry Ferguson to player there and also tutor Mutch :)
in 11.3 Annan is at Germany and he will cost more. Plus i doubt he´s willing to leave since he´s just arrived.
Try Mate Simao - Pana
Airton - Benfica - get him on loan with a future value
Annan doesn't wanna discuss terms with me atm :( shall check out Ntambew. Thanks for the replies.

Ntambwe looks a decent prospect!

If I can't get anyone ready atm for the slot I could always retrain Barry Ferguson to player there and also tutor Mutch :)

Ye Fergie is capable of playing there according to his statistics, not sure why he isn't at at least dark green for the position anyway tbf, I always though Andy King from Leicester would be a decent addition as a DM, as he can play there on 11.3. haven't followed it through myself, although he has decent stats and is still young.
Muamba from Bolton was good for me for a couple of seasons at Birmingham. Banged them in.
Thanks for all the suggestions, scouting them now, really like the look of a few of them.

Also, sorry to be a pain, was looking at Alex Smithes, can get him cheap I know, but is it better to buy him for next season, like get it to go through end of the season so he can have 1 more season with Hudd. before he joins me, because Foster is number 1 and Taylor and Doyle are alright to fight it out for second spot.
Try Lukman Haruna from Monaco for DMC

Buy Smithies, you can always loan him out
wha??? Butland can turn out just as good, if not better than Smithies, I haven't got the patch but I'm presuming he is still with Birmingham?
Yer he is, but at the price you pay for Smithies, he's a must. Even if it's so loan him out for a season or 2 and make a few quid on him. :P
sebastian battaglia was always awesome for me, cost around 5 million maybe? similar type player to mascherano
Up to you buddy but here's a comparison a few years in if you want one. I had them both briefly as back up keepers, there's hardly any difference between them but I'd say Butland just edges it due to one on ones.
Gaby Mudingayi or Víctor Cáceres, cheap and reliable.

Victor Caceres seconded.
Federico Fazio can also play there, picked him up for 600k from Sevilla on my Newcastle game.
Fernando Gago/Mamadou Diarra (sp) on loan from Real Madrid?
Diarra is at Monaco now? and I play with Spanish leagues loaded so no Gago on list yet :( some good names up and down this list. Thanks :)
Diarra is at Monaco now? and I play with Spanish leagues loaded so no Gago on list yet :( some good names up and down this list. Thanks :)

Just because he isn't on the list doesn't mean they won't loan him out? Definitely look at Caceres and see what Sevilla want for Fazio.