
Aug 13, 2010
Reaction score
Hi, all

Just purchased the brilliant fm11 ( keep me happy over christmas), and i have just picked blackpool to manage( like a challenge)

I need 5 or 6 players so i can stay up this season - in my opnion, i need some one who can get the 20 goals a season.

What advice would you give me ?

There's a good left back from Padova can't remember his name, but he's a great player, really worth the money. Also, Marco Verratti, and to fill the striking department, get someone like Ion Velez :)
Well I signed Enzo Maresca & Gai Assulin for free with Newcastle. If you're looking for a quality CB get Federico Fazio from Sevilla usually transfer listed for just over 500k ;).
you need Leigh Griffiths from dundee. cost bout 250-500k. will get you 20 goals
Humberto suazo £1.5 mil (roughly) will easy get 20 goals for you.

Micheal Ball free transfer

Coelho free transfer

all good for Blackpool
If you look in the Arsenal & Man U reserves, you can get some pretty good kids on loan like Rafael ;)
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play with barcelona like formation...with a very low budget u can buy fabian carini (GK) humberto suazo (ST), loan zezinho(WG), buy roland juhasdz (CB), buy fabian monzon, then gerrardo torrado..believe me, i WON the premier league in my first season, althought luck takes part...it's trully a hard fought till the end (imagine, the first time i lead the table is in THE LAST match..and there are 6 teams separated by 7 points surrounding me, hehe