Blue screen immediatly after starting FM11

Feb 10, 2011
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Every time I try to start the game I see the intro like I'm supossed to, but after that when I have to choose a language I get a blue screen and my computer resets. I'm "playing" the game on a laptop which doesnt meet the requirements, but which ran Fm09 en Fm10. Does anybody know what to do about this? I already tried updating my drivers and directx. But nothing works :(
are you having issues running any other games?
No, but the only other games I have installed are: FM 09 and FM 10. Nomrally I don't play videogames on my pc.. Although I tried to install worms 2 the other day and that didn't work either, but I don't think that says a lot...
do you get any message when you get a blue screen? e.g. my pc blue screened the other day and it said it was due to a graphics driver not working properly
I just see the blue screen really short before my computer resets, it goes much too fast to read it... Or can is stop it somehow to read it?
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I mean do you get any message as to why your pc blue screened when you boot back up?
Ahhh Sorry.. No my pc just starts again, it's really strange and doesn't say anything :s
hmmmm that's odd. You tried reinstalling the game? also check your temperatures. you can use coretemp to do this.
It's probably the driver for your graphics card. Try updating them. What laptop are you using by the way?
It's probably the driver for your graphics card. Try updating them. What laptop are you using by the way?


Every time I try to start the game I see the intro like I'm supossed to, but after that when I have to choose a language I get a blue screen and my computer resets. I'm "playing" the game on a laptop which doesnt meet the requirements, but which ran Fm09 en Fm10. Does anybody know what to do about this? I already tried updating my drivers and directx. But nothing works :(
I have tried reinstalling it and it doesn't work either... This time I could select the language and I got the blue screen at the main menu :s
The temparature is 43 degrees, I think. I have 1024mb ram and 32 mb video ram. I know I don't have enough video ram, but i could play the last one too. I even played 2009 on a computer with 8 mb video Ram. Thanks for your help by the way, cause this whole situation is a total mistery for me.
1024mb of Ram is a very small amount, this could be the cause of your problems. What Operating system are you running?
I would say 1GB of RAM is no way enough, I would say have 2GB at a minimum
Add some RAM to your PC, it's cheap and will speed your whole performance up.