BNP Support Denmark?


I was popular once
Nov 26, 2009
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i read the newspaper today (Daily mirror) there was a qoute from the bnp saying we will be supporting denmark in the 2010 world cup because they have an all white team
the bnp are twats!
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I'd love a link with my article. ;)
i read the newspaper today (Daily mail) there was a qoute from the bnp saying we will be supporting denmark in the 2010 world cup because they have an all white team
the bnp are twats!

yer i heard this a few years ago. i know its bad but its what they belive in isent it.
I wouldnt wipe my **** with The Daily Mail so i certainly wouldn't believe anything that was in it.

If Hitler was alive and living in Britain,he'd read The Daily Mail.
I h8 the BNP, not just because i'm mixed race, and most of my family are Jewish, so i'd proberly be kicked out of the country.

I'm just asking but have they ever head a non-white player in their squad, and also the BNP are going againts their own country!
im not sayin i support the bnp but i beilve in some of their views like the more jobs for english people etc. and i hate absolutely hate people who come over here to live and then get treated better then us, im not saying they should get treated worse but equal. also hate when they moan about us being patriotic i know a few people that have had st georges flag out their window and asked to take them down because it might upset people.
**** my mistake daily mirror lol i dont really take much notice i get the sun for page 3 !
It's probably just a joke the Mail made, just you may not have got it?
They can stand for what they want, and this is what they believe in
fair play to them, good luck with it!

i agree with some of their policies!

and "the shots" they wouldn't kick you out for being half cast and jewish!! they are against the amount of immigrants in this country that are widely changing the UK as we know it!

and their not really going against their own country, there just making a statement of what they believe the English team should be like.

Denmark would not let the British National Party support a world cup bid, it basically wipes out their chances straight away because they are in conjunction with a government party that goes against the grain of all the others.

If the story is true its just a publicity thing to show what they want in an exaggerated way
The BNP need to die.

Foreigners are great for this country. Who's gonna do some of the jobs they do if they have to leave
yeh the daily mirror are a labour newspaper telling you to vote lib dem lol its all to confusing
The BNP need to die.

Foreigners are great for this country. Who's gonna do some of the jobs they do if they have to leave

the thousands and thousands of people that sit on their **** and bleed this country dry with the benefits that they suck out our economy like a sponge, maybe?!
Well, there's not many negro's in Scandanavia anyway is there? South Africa all over again really.
My sister's voting BNP, just becasue she know's it'll **** me off majorly. D:
Hope Agger isn't racist! No wonder our defence isn't the same with Johno in it D: lol
im not sayin i support the bnp but i beilve in some of their views like the more jobs for english people etc. and i hate absolutely hate people who come over here to live and then get treated better then us, im not saying they should get treated worse but equal. also hate when they moan about us being patriotic i know a few people that have had st georges flag out their window and asked to take them down because it might upset people.

The BNP's policies arn't soley racist. It's just saying that the jobs etc. should be going to the people in this country and the soldiers who come back from war should be given quality housing, just the politicians are partly racist.
lol bnp dont like women

as in jason manfords words

whos the postman and whos the letterbox
the thousands and thousands of people that sit on their **** and bleed this country dry with the benefits that they suck out our economy like a sponge, maybe?!
You can't blame it on a few bad apples. More 'Englishmen' do ti than these foreigners that provide a cheaper better working force. They want to work more than most Englishmen who think they should have a job just becasue they were 'born here'. It's a free world.