BNP Support Denmark?

exactly my point :S i meant the English men and women that sit on their **** reaping in the benefits instead of working

he asked who will do the jobs... and i answered XD
im not sayin i support the bnp but i beilve in some of their views like the more jobs for english people etc. and i hate absolutely hate people who come over here to live and then get treated better then us, im not saying they should get treated worse but equal. also hate when they moan about us being patriotic i know a few people that have had st georges flag out their window and asked to take them down because it might upset people.

You sound like a Daily Mail reader yourself.
the goverment should do more about this

2 years ago christmas 2008 friday 25th december

there was christmas lights all over the place lovely looking but by the 27th the council told everyone to take them down because its unreligious and it insults the muslim community now thats what i want bnp for but lib dem for the win
he sounds like someone talking sense!

******* **** mate you must be joking, you honestly think the BNP aren't full on completely racist? They have just recently dressed it up abit by saying that actually they're just all about protecting English people when actually they are the opitomy of racism and facism in this country. Jesus christ I didn't know people on this site were that ******* stupid.
I think immagration is a problem for many reasons but not racial ones and The BNP are not the answer.The BNP will dress it up as having the best intrests of Britain at heart but thats a crock of **** and a cover to what hate filled biggotts and facists they are. The Daily Mail love to stir the **** with bull **** storys about people being told to remove England flags and immigrants getting 7 bedroom houses and 6 grand a week benefits. Its all designed to fuel hate,dont fall for it.
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**** my mistake daily mirror lol i dont really take much notice i get the sun for page 3 !

**** the Sun, it's like feeding sky and the Sun in general is a pile of rancid pish, the bbc website covers everything the papers do imo.
dont see how bnp supporting denmark turns into a dispute between two members of the fm base community
**** the Sun, it's like feeding sky and the Sun in general is a pile of rancid pish, the bbc website covers everything the papers do imo.
Justice for the 96.That is all.
Oh,but seriously. I like the Sun. It's very important for all life on Earth Shouldn't speak of it like that
**** the Sun, it's like feeding sky and the Sun in general is a pile of rancid pish, the bbc website covers everything the papers do imo.

The Sun actually reported a story about my Mum once.

Supposingly she was racist because she asked her class make St. Georges flags, instead of Union Jacks, at home for when the Queen came to visit their school. They had already made Union Jacks at school, so they didn't need anymore made, some parent got the wrong end of the stick and phoned up the Sun saying my Mum hated the UK.

They managed to blow it all out of perspective, had people outside the school trying to get a photo of my mum, had them phoning my house all day, was pretty amusing, ended up on about page 7 of the Sun I do belive.

and then there was that time she was on Page 3... ;)
This is a pic of the founder of the British National Party. Says it all in my opinion, the BNP can dress it up any which way they want but the foundations, leadership and the main core of their support remain as racist as they were in the days of the ****'s/NF/teddy boys etc etc.

What can racial divison achieve in todays Britain? Aside from a ****** civil war? The BNP can support who they want and if England don't win it, I hope one the African nations do, I bet Hitler, I mean Griffin, would love that.
They can stand for what they want, and this is what they believe in
fair play to them, good luck with it!

i agree with some of their policies!

and "the shots" they wouldn't kick you out for being half cast and jewish!! they are against the amount of immigrants in this country that are widely changing the UK as we know it!

and their not really going against their own country, there just making a statement of what they believe the English team should be like.

Denmark would not let the British National Party support a world cup bid, it basically wipes out their chances straight away because they are in conjunction with a government party that goes against the grain of all the others.

If the story is true its just a publicity thing to show what they want in an exaggerated way
Yes they would! They don't want anyone in the countrie unless they are white british.

I renamed the BNP British **** Party.

Sorry if you actually like them.
I mean sorry for you.
I think immagration is a problem for many reasons but not racial ones and The BNP are not the answer.The BNP will dress it up as having the best intrests of Britain at heart but thats a crock of **** and a cover to what hate fill biggotts and facists they are. The Daily Mail love to stir the **** with bull **** storys about people being told to remove England flags and immigrants getting 7 bedroom houses and 6 grand a week benefits. Its all designed to fuel hate,dont fall for it.

spot on that.
My friend's sister's parents voted BNP in a Muslim Society!!!
The liverpool Echo is one of the best newspapaers. Very trustworthy about most things,very loyal. Plus my Grandad had cancer, and was on his way out, so they put him on page 5,got the Liverpool squad to visit him, sign things, Etc, and we still have the poster thing which they signed for being an Liverpool fan all his life.Made him so happy. I trust what ever they tell me to.
Some posts on this thread are as ignorant as the BNP themselves.
**** the daily mail, for a paper thats supposed to have "englishness" as the heat and sould, the twats were pro **** right upto when the nazis then decided to bomb the **** out of us
So i say i agree with "SOME" of their policies

and this massive debate starts when i leave my laptop XD

funny people... you can tell you all like your forums and debates etc

good to see that you all give your opinion, if more people were like it in this world, it would be a better place.

but there is no way i would vote for the BNP because of their extremist views!
i just agree with a few of their views, like i do with all the parties, i dont fully agree with any of them!