Haven't tried the 3-4-3.Was bored with my current save this morning though and thought I would try something different, decided to plug this straight in with all the other necessary things (OI, match prep etc) and got 5 great wins from 5 games.
I applaud you wanting to try something else ellis, but honestly mate I would try and advertise this one a bit more, it still hasn't ever received the justice it deserves. I took "play narrower" off and it actually seemed to work better, just thought I would add. You seem to push the 4-4-2 diamond more but I am actually more of a fan of the 4-3-3.
Was those results with the 3-4-3? Bit confused at that paragraph.
And thanks a lot mate, there's a limit to what I can do though. The tactic has always worked so I've never really needed to tweak it. Tbh there's a limit to what advertising I can do, I've tried to get it tested on the tactic testing threads but they don't let you suggest your own tactic, and that's probably the best way to compare it to the other tactics. The only reason I'm trying something new is the lack of interest in this, so I end up creating another.
Yeah most of the people who've fed back to me prefer the 4-3-3 but I love the 4-1-2-1-2, it's my favourite tactic.
Also I'm creating a thread for the 3-4-3 so hopefully that raises some interest.