
Aug 25, 2012
Reaction score
The Brendan Rodgers Philosophy!

We all know that Brendan's way of football is just 'Pass, Pass, Pass'
He did it at Swansea in the Premier League and now he's at Liverpool the same
strategy is used. In this re-creation of his tactic Liverpool are using in the current season
you should expect to see your team playing superb flowing football, averaging at about 55 up to 70+
possession a game! You should also expect your team to be playing 1000+ passes every

The Formation:

A 3-3-2-1-1 formation is used here

3 Central defenders
2 Wing backs, 1 Defensive midfielder(Regista)
2 Central midfielders
1 Attacking midfielder
1 Striker

Here it is:
View attachment 461934

I won't upload any results as your results can speak for themselves.
It isn't about smashing every team 3, 4 and even 5-0
you should expect 1-0, 2-1, and the occasional draw and defeat.
As i said this tactic isn't about smashing every team its about playing football which will make
you **** in your pants ;)

Anyway, I hope you enjoy this tactic and success comes your way using it

- Liverpool - 2013_14.tac download - 2shared -

For those who can't download and want player instructions:

GK -Distribute to defenders
WB's -Pass Shorter + Get further forward
Everyone else - Pass Shorter​
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its about playing football which will make you **** in your pants​

If am honest, I thought we played better football when we played 4-3-3, we are well too defensive when playing 5-3-2, but it's getting us points and wins so hey am not complaining :)
There isn't really space for him unless you drop suarez. You could keep rotating or simply keep substituting suarez for coutinho.

I thought i would give this tactic a try today with CHELSEA, i just have a few questions.
1. do you use opposition instructions?
2. what type of striker is best for this role? fast?
Wouldn't a 3-5-2 be better? 3 CB's. 2 WB's, 2 CM's(hend & lucas) 1 AP / EG(coutinho,gerrard), 1 T(suarez) 1 AF/DLF(sturr)
I'm not using a 3-5-2 myself as liverpool have many wide options like Alberto, Moses, Sterling etc.
I haven't used any opposition instructions and for the striker, a bit of pace would be useful and good finishing, hope that helps
I think it's difficult to judge how Liverpool are going to keep playing this season. We'll have a better idea in the next couple of weeks when Coutinho is back as he an Suarez haven't had the chance to play together this season. I'm not sure Brendan Rodgers is convinced by this 352 system.

I think Liverpool would work better as a 41212 tactic in this FM.
Good tactic, but its one he has never played... very similar but the whole point of the 3-5-2 was to allow Coutinho - Suarez - Sturridge in a AMC- 2 x ST formation

Its more realistic to take out the DMC and add it to the ST, but its not as effective
I've been using this tactic in combination with the 5-3-2 Bombard Wall of Steel tactic. I think they work very well as a pair.

I'm using Newcastle and they have 3 strong wing backs to start with Santon, Debuchy, and Haidara (also Dummett, who's solid in a pinch if you cross train him for both sides). Not only that, but using this tactic lets me keep Hatem Ben Arfa rather than trying to dump him off all season.

I use this one at home a lot with good success and the other tactic in tougher match ups and on the road.

Like wall of steel, you need strong wingbacks to make it work. Having Cabaye/Anita/Sissoko/Tiote/Honda as my mids helps a ton too.