
Oct 28, 2010
Reaction score




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I'm finding it difficult to create chances and to break teams down. We're getting a decent amount of possession each game, but we're having barely any shots on goal, and we're not breaking teams down with any decent through balls, majority of our chances are long range shots that do nothing. I've put the long range shots to rarely for every player too. We're also being broken down way too easily by the AI. We'll have the ball in their half or around the half way line, lose it and they'll go up and break us down with ease, first time I'm finding it difficult in this save.
Forgot to say that I was using an AP on attack, but we didn't control possession as much, and also didn't really create more chances.
As uou are using control tacticts you will need to be carefull when it comes to counter attacks especially if the opposing team is better than you( in which case i genrally change to contain). Also having a high defencive line and zonal marking makes you weaker against fast teams.
Not sure why I didn't change those haha. I'll have a look what it's like in the next few games, will also see if it affects how many chances we create too.
I know it's only 1 game, but;

As you can see, we were much more solid defensively with not one highlight going Norwich's way and every defender getting above 7.00.

This is what's concerning me, despite all the possession we only had 2 shots the entire match, and both goals were from own goals, definitely think I'm missing something in the opponents half.
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