British and proud......

Jack Fulham

Nov 30, 2008
Reaction score
Being British is about driving a German car to an Irish pub for a Belgian beer.
On the way home, grabbing an Indian curry or a Turkish kebab.
Eat it while sitting on a Swedish sofa, watching US shows on a Japanese TV.

And of course being suspicious of all things foreign.


and only in Britain can you get a pizza delivery faster than an ambulance to your house.
Only in Britain do banks keep both doors open and chain pens to the counter.
Super-markets make sick people walk to the back of the shop for prescriptions whilst healthy folk get their **** at the front.

You may think it's **** being British, but by **** we're funny!!!
i should hate this thread. for being pointless, but i love it.
what was the point of this thread?

Relates to Britain which relates to British people whom I believe the vast majority of members of this Forum are.

If it really bothers you, please feel free to contact the U.N where you will find that I am allowed freedom of speech which enables me to post what I like whether pointless or not (H)
It made me Cry :'( Jokes, But i thought it was Beautiful :')
Being British is about driving a German (Who won the war anyway?!) car to an Irish (Occupied!) pub for a Belgian (conquered them) beer.
On the way home, grabbing an Indian (Conquered them) curry or a Turkish kebab
Eat it while sitting on a Swedish sofa, watching US (Earlier colony) shows on a Japanese TV (Our cronies beat them up).

And of course being suspicious of all things foreign.


and only in Britain can you get a pizza delivery faster than an ambulance to your house.
Only in Britain do banks keep both doors open and chain pens to the counter.
Super-markets make sick people walk to the back of the shop for prescriptions whilst healthy folk get their **** at the front.

You may think it's **** being British, but by **** we're funny!!!
Being British is about driving a German car to an Irish pub for a Belgian beer.
On the way home, grabbing an Indian curry or a Turkish kebab.
Eat it while sitting on a Swedish sofa, watching US shows on a Japanese TV.

And of course being suspicious of all things foreign.


and only in Britain can you get a pizza delivery faster than an ambulance to your house.
Only in Britain do banks keep both doors open and chain pens to the counter.
Super-markets make sick people walk to the back of the shop for prescriptions whilst healthy folk get their **** at the front.

You may think it's **** being British, but by **** we're funny!!!

Happens in SA too, but the ambulance just doesn't pitch.

SA Definately chains pens to the counter. SA has a bunch of thiefs.

But I am proud to be British-in South Africa
True but i love being British, it certainly beats being American.
Brits are probably one of the only nations who have the ability to laugh at themselves :)