British and proud......

LOL the funniest thread i have seen for some time XD
Apparently we are the most content people in the world. With Scotland & NI,ROI and Wales all hating us, we're not bothered,and just hate USA and France, the rest of Britian can hate us,we have bigger fish to fry :D
Apparently we are the most content people in the world. With Scotland & NI,ROI and Wales all hating us, we're not bothered,and just hate USA and France, the rest of Britian can hate us,we have bigger fish to fry :D

That is the most arrogant and ignorant post I've ever read.
Apparently we are the most content people in the world. With Scotland & NI,ROI and Wales all hating us, we're not bothered,and just hate USA and France, the rest of Britian can hate us,we have bigger fish to fry :D

This thread is about being British, not English.
Apparently we are the most content people in the world. With Scotland & NI,ROI and Wales all hating us, we're not bothered,and just hate USA and France, the rest of Britian can hate us,we have bigger fish to fry :D

As good as england is this is about Britain.
Maybe it would be a good thread to post your proudest moment to be English?
Proudest moment to be Scots - when i read we're the nation that uses the most drugs and the west of Scotland having a higher level of obesity than anywhere else.
Well clearly we can be proud of our politicians... *cough*.... Bunch of great guys..... Let's be honest, they all look like paedos :)
Being British is about driving a German car to an Irish pub for a Belgian beer.
On the way home, grabbing an Indian curry or a Turkish kebab.
Eat it while sitting on a Swedish sofa, watching US shows on a Japanese TV.

And of course being suspicious of all things foreign.


and only in Britain can you get a pizza delivery faster than an ambulance to your house.
Only in Britain do banks keep both doors open and chain pens to the counter.
Super-markets make sick people walk to the back of the shop for prescriptions whilst healthy folk get their **** at the front.

You may think it's **** being British, but by **** we're funny!!!

and only in Britain can you get a pizza delivery faster than an ambulance to your house.
so true as well said
i never afiliate my self as british and never will but it is a good thread because same could apply to english people. my best english moment like bodell6969 said is the 5-1 spanking of the germans but also smashing croatia 5-1 at home and i was their to witness it.
wheres ur sense o humour that was funny mate loved it

Replace it with Jamaicans deal drugs or Arabs rapes people and its not so funny anymore, why should being prejustice against one ethnicity/nationalism be funny and one considered racist?