BRITISH English Premier League (like bilbao)


Nov 10, 2010
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hi, ive been trying to find a way so that in the Premier league clubs can only sign British players. Ive even thought about going as far as making the clubs restricted to players in the region like Bilbao e.g. Arsenal can only sign Londoners and so on. BUT ive had trouble doing so, is there a way to make these modifications in Editor?

No Bilbao is coded into the game. You can't make other clubs do it unfortunetely. The only you can do really is set age restrictions in editor but thats rubbish. You can do it for yourself though, trying to build a British team.
Forgot to mention this, but you could take all the foreign players from each club and put them back into the clubs they started at, then put a transfer embargo on each club, therefore they can only produce from their youth. However I have never tried this, so Im not 100% sure whether they can sign their youth players or not. Hope I helped :)
the only thing i can think of is having a play around with the work permit rules and finding a setting that makes it impossible to get one.