
Jun 24, 2011
Reaction score
I'm with FC United & board accepted my proposal for a new stadium. I didn't see any confirmation in my news feed about one being built, whereas with youth network, training facilities etc you always see a message saying that they have begun building & how much it cost. I waited a year & the building of a new stadium had been completed (or so I thought) but on the date of completion there was no new stadium. I'm still ground sharing with Bury @ Gigg Lane. I have gone through the process again & it will be complete in a year but once again I have no starting message that work has taken place. Any ideas?
You prolly leak to press to get new stadium ? It will be "planned" forever now till you get few hundred millions on club balance
Board stadium requests are so bugged even if they do agree nothing is most likely to happen
Nope - haven't leaked anything to the press.

Anyhow, top of the Championship & look like being promoted in about 9 games. Reckon they will build one for me when I reach the Premiership?
Its bugged as far as i know, not sure if/when it being fixed though
It's not related to leaking to press, the bug happens either way. It can even happen if the board themselves decide to build a stadium without you asking

It's incredibly frustrating andhas ruined 2 of my saves now. I'm not playing until it's fixed
Nope - haven't leaked anything to the press.

Anyhow, top of the Championship & look like being promoted in about 9 games. Reckon they will build one for me when I reach the Premiership?

I thought you needed your own ground in championship an above you defiantly do for the prem so I would guess so
Even with 500mil in the bank. I do not know why the board says there's not enough funds to buy the rest of 50% of the stadium (I'm playing ManCity). How much is needed to just buy off 50% of a stadium??? 10bil???
Indeed finished 1st & had a message straight away saying that the board are going to "expand the stadium by 1,500 seats to meet regulations" which I thought was odd seeing as they don't own the stadium, nor is this option available in making a request to the board due to this very reason. Anyhow, I'm sure Chelsea & Arsenal etc will enjoy my 11,000 capacity stadium & lets not forget the real winners here which are Bury (obtaining a free of charge 1,500 extension courtesy of FC United haha)
4th season in the Premiership & have gone through another 2 year planning phase from 2031 to 2033 & still nothing.

Will I just have to face the facts & always groundshare with Bury?
I was looking at the SI forum a week ago or so, and essentially this isn't bugged! You can and will get a new stadium. The thing that is bugged is there is no news feed to say when the planning application has been turned down or any other problems. Also that period of two years or w.e it is, just refers to the planning process, so it's not like they started building it and then gave up. It may be implemented bad in an attempt at reality, but there's not actual problem. I think a couple of people also suggested saving before you plan to talk to the board and keep reloading until they say yes AND a news feed item saying the stadium will be built shows up.
No problem, I haven't tried it myself yet because I havent needed to, but this was confirmed by an SI guy in the thread. As in it's an issue with news feeds not saying the the planning application had failed, rather than the actual building of a new stadium. Seems like an oversight but hey, it could be worse I guess.

Anyway let us know how it goes, because loads of people have had the same problem from what i've seen.
Interesting point Billy i thought so too. But why change it? It was implemented well in FM13. Yes board always say planning even with my facilities but come completion date the work is done. I am more frustrated at SI for taking so long to fix a game breaking issue like this. At some point in my save i had the board agree to build new stadium, buy stadium & build new stadium again all occurring at the same time. Surely its a bug. Its not just a news item error but the board do not act on what they set out to do. Its four years later since project completion date & still nothing, the bar is all green yet nothing. The simple fact that building a new stadium is impossible is enough for me to conclude its bugged
If you can ask the board to build a new stadium again, then its failed planning already. The bug is that it fails but doesn't tell anyone that it's failed. So you should just keep asking them again, eventually it'll work. Also notice that they don't take any money from your account, showing that it hasn't even started.

You should definitely try what the users said worked for them, in saving before hand and keep trying and reloading until the news item appears. Don't just let them say they will, let the news item appear afterwards saying it has been agreed. Then it seems to work fine.

Yes, it's been designed terribly, and in terms of a long term save is effectively game-breaking... IF you can't build a stadium. Fortunately, that doesn't seem to be the case, and it's just an annoying bug based on an element of realism (planning application failure and the likes) that SI hasn't implemented properly.

If anyone can confirm what i've said, that would be great.
on one of my saves the stadium was built, however we never moved from the original rented ground. a loan was taken out to pay for it and the project completed but the team never moved to the new ground. and it isn't listed on the facilties. but the project 100% was completed, built etc.
on one of my saves the stadium was built, however we never moved from the original rented ground. a loan was taken out to pay for it and the project completed but the team never moved to the new ground. and it isn't listed on the facilties. but the project 100% was completed, built etc.

Did a news story appear?
yeah had news stories saying work was starting, then about 2 years later a news item to say it had been completed, but never moved to the ground and inherited a bank loan for nothing
From youtuber workthespace (jack) not your own game right? remarkably similar to his save
Coming up to the completion of my "years planning" with no outcome & I click to view progress & they have added 2 more years on annoyingly. So will have to try the save & load in atleast 2 seasons time.