Call of Duty Modern Warfare or World at War?

C.O.D. 4 or 5?

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COD5 is just COD4 with WW2 settings. Treyarch can't make a proper game without borrowing something from Infinity Ward. If Activision wasn't so greedy, they would've fired Treyarch a long time ago.
cod 4 is one of the best games ive ever played on

cod 5 was too slow startin, and the only decent levels were near the end. but nazzi zombies is good8-|
CoD4, just prefer the game overall, including the Multiplayer.

CoD5 zombie mode is a nice feature though.

Looking forward to CoD: Modern Warfare 2.
cod 5 looks ps2 ish as well, cod 4 is amazing
Cod 4 all the way no contest, hated cod 5 dont know what it was about the game it just felt like a carbon copy of cod 4 but more sluggish, annoying and the claymores are ******* impossible to see, i only buy call of duty games for the online aswell.
I haven't played CoD5. I'm not really a fan of classic war shooters. I do like CoD4 though as it's modern and I prefer being able to use up to date weapons.
First of all it isn't called COD5, they get very annoyed when you call it that ^.^

Saying that, WaW is just another boring WW2 shooter, there have been so many of them that it's overkill, COD4 was a break from the mould and for this reason was quite a new and exciting experience.
Planning on getting Modern Warfare 2?

Yeah I will, but probably not for a long time after it's out. Just don't have any money to spend on games anymore.

First of all it isn't called COD5, they get very annoyed when you call it that ^.^

Saying that, WaW is just another boring WW2 shooter, there have been so many of them that it's overkill, COD4 was a break from the mould and for this reason was quite a new and exciting experience.

Ah yes sorry my bad.

Yeah I used to play COD2 and that was ok but the WW2 shooter has been done and done.
Fair enough. I don't pay for them myself, I let my brother buy them and then play them anyway. Unfortunately, I'll be at uni when it's released, so I'll have to wait until April (Easter holidays) to play it I think, unless a housemate gets it. :(
much prefer modern warfare in every way really looking forward to modern warfare 2
The Modern Warfare 2 footage i've seen reminds me of James Bond games, I don't know if that's a good or a bad thing.
Modern Warfare is better.

Modern Warfare 2 is going to be so hot. Can't wait. The youtube videos of it make it look so good, but I doubt I'm going to be disappointed to be fair.

I expect to be 10th Prestige within the first 2 months of getting it :)