
May 25, 2009
Reaction score
Something I noticed on FM14 that I never noticed with previous match engines is how helpful the 'elevated' camera is during a game. Really gives a nice view of your team, how they're lined up and whether certain shouts are working. Anyone else use this camera angle?

I have 2 tactics I'm working on right now and it's helped me develop some ideas by being able to watch the team as a whole during play rather than just the highlights. Also I would recommend that during preseason friendlies, especially if you are trying a new tactic, to pause and rewind when things go bad. See if you can spot what went wrong, why it happened and correct it. Sometimes it's just a mistake by a player, but other times you can see how a certain instruction isn't working for whatever reason and you can make changes either for the game or to the tactic as a whole afterwards.

Once I have more results on my 2 tactics I'll post results.
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