Cannot adapt to opponent successfully

3. Doncaster - Anderlecht
My line-up:
GK: Thomas Kaminski
DL: Alexis Scholl
DR: Andy Najar
DC: Bram Nuytinck & Cheikhou Kouyaté
ML: Frank Acheampong
MR: Massimo Bruno
BWM: Demy De Zeeuw
AP: Youri Tielemans
DLF: Matias Suarez
AF: Aaron Leya Iseka
The opponent’s tactic: 4-4-2
Half-Time score: 0-1
Full-Time score: 0-2
Opponents goals:
View attachment 365106

View attachment 365129

Average position:
View attachment 365100

View attachment 365127

- On one hand I am happy with winning 0-2, but having Doncaster creating 4 clear cut chances...that worries me...
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3. Doncaster - Anderlecht
My line-up:
GK: Thomas Kaminski
DL: Alexis Scholl
DR: Andy Najar
DC: Bram Nuytinck & Cheikhou Kouyaté
ML: Frank Acheampong
MR: Massimo Bruno
BWM: Demy De Zeeuw
AP: Youri Tielemans
DLF: Matias Suarez
AF: Aaron Leya Iseka
The opponent’s tactic: 4-4-2
Half-Time score: 0-1
Full-Time score: 0-2
Opponents goals:
View attachment 623418

View attachment 623420

Average position:
View attachment 623421

- On one hand I am happy with winning 0-2, but having Doncaster creating 4 clear cut chances...that worries me...

Excellent thread you have going on here. It's noice to see someone putting a lot of effort into learning the ME. Some questions:

1) I have quickly gone through the thread but can't find your team instructions. Am I overlooking them?
2) Attachments in the quoted posts don't open. Can you upload them again as images?

As a general tip in the match stats, set it so that it shows much more information, pass completion by defense, midfield and attack, half chances etc and show heatmaps and players stats for both you and the opposition.

This makes it easier for us (and yourself!) to see where there is an issue or where your opponents are creating those CCCs. Use the tools the game gives you! :)

I am not sure if making 3 tactics based on how your opponents attack you (flank, middle etc) is the best way to go. . I believe you should have 3 tactics based on tactical formations you can encounter. 4-4-2 vs 4-3-3, vs 4-2-3-1 and 4-5-1 (the 3 common formations you will generally be up against). The way you then use those formations against other formations (attack via flank etc) can be done using shouts during those matches.
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Excellent thread you have going on here. It's noice to see someone putting a lot of effort into learning the ME. Some questions:

1) I have quickly gone through the thread but can't find your team instructions. Am I overlooking them?
2) Attachments in the quoted posts don't open. Can you upload them again as images?

As a general tip in the match stats, set it so that it shows much more information, pass completion by defense, midfield and attack, half chances etc and show heatmaps and players stats for both you and the opposition.

This makes it easier for us (and yourself!) to see where there is an issue or where your opponents are creating those CCCs. Use the tools the game gives you! :)

I am not sure if making 3 tactics based on how your opponents attack you (flank, middle etc) is the best way to go. . I believe you should have 3 tactics based on tactical formations you can encounter. 4-4-2 vs 4-3-3, vs 4-2-3-1 and 4-5-1 (the 3 common formations you will generally be up against). The way you then use those formations against other formations (attack via flank etc) can be done using shouts during those matches.

First of all I'll answer your questions.

1. At this moment I didn't have team instructions set but you can see in post #17 at the conclusion of my game against Heist I said that I should "hassle my opponents" more. After that game I added one team instructions, being "Hassle opponent".

2. I used "Insert Image" for the uploading of the images. I'll try it again and check if the images are there or a link to open an attachment.

Anyhow, thanks for the tup with the match stats. I will probably make it way harder for myself, but I added every match stat I could add to the overview. I will change my images to these match stats later. I will upload the heat maps for the opposition too.

I am not planning on creating 3 tactics, I was aiming at a 4-4-2 with a combination of team instructions and different roles/duties based on the opponent's strengths, like for example: goals from center, attacking team, ... But I must say that you could be right about 3 tactics based on the tactics frequently used by the ME.

If I am correct you are saying this:
1. Create tactics to adopt to the formation you're up with: 4-5-1 means that my 4-4-2 will get outnumbered by opponent, etc
2. Create/Alter team instructions based on the strength of the opponent: Goals from the flanks with a pass means they play wide and if I play wide I can give them more space to play the ball to the attacker.

Am I right?
First of all I'll answer your questions.

1. At this moment I didn't have team instructions set but you can see in post #17 at the conclusion of my game against Heist I said that I should "hassle my opponents" more. After that game I added one team instructions, being "Hassle opponent".

2. I used "Insert Image" for the uploading of the images. I'll try it again and check if the images are there or a link to open an attachment.

Anyhow, thanks for the tup with the match stats. I will probably make it way harder for myself, but I added every match stat I could add to the overview. I will change my images to these match stats later. I will upload the heat maps for the opposition too.

I am not planning on creating 3 tactics, I was aiming at a 4-4-2 with a combination of team instructions and different roles/duties based on the opponent's strengths, like for example: goals from center, attacking team, ... But I must say that you could be right about 3 tactics based on the tactics frequently used by the ME.

If I am correct you are saying this:
1. Create tactics to adopt to the formation you're up with: 4-5-1 means that my 4-4-2 will get outnumbered by opponent, etc
2. Create/Alter team instructions based on the strength of the opponent: Goals from the flanks with a pass means they play wide and if I play wide I can give them more space to play the ball to the attacker.

Am I right?

You are partially correct. Responding to your team instruction first: Do not forget that each option has consequences, For example if you use hassle opponents you will generally see that your number of fouls go up or sometimes players will try to close down and get pulled out of position (especially when you play Fluid) allowing through balls. This may be where those 4 CCCs for Doncaster came from so watch the games where this happens and then limit that behaviour through player instructions. I try to have as few player instructions as possible. If the player has tons of instructions he probably has the wrong role.

Don't worry too much about the images. The general point was to use the tools the game gives you.

1) Yes, I think you are better off using your 3 tactics this way. On the SI forum there was someone who tried to create a perfect season (wins only but he failed) but he has an excellent write-up on how to deal with other tactics. You can find the thread here: The School of the Defensive Arts

I know I am contradicting myself a bit with this thread since he stuck with one tactic but I believe that since you say you want to learn how to analyse matches and adapt to your opponent it's easier when you have those 3 tactics set-up .Sticking with one tactic make it harder than it needs to be in the 'beginning'

2) Yes to an extent. It depends on the number of crosses that they try and complete. Goals from the flank doesn't directly mean they are playing wider (even when exploiting the middle the flanks will still be involved) than you but if you see that your opponent is getting a lot of crosses in that means they are attacking your weak spot. Since you do not have team instructions you are playing at a standard width so playing wider could be a solution but that can also mean that their midfield gets more room to go through the middle so it can be enough to simply close the crosser down more and marking more tightly.

So in order to find out how to make this decision I encouraged you to turn on all those stats. In the player stats you can see how many crosses were attempted and in the match stats you can see what the cross completion % is. I just have played a match where a team attempted 26 crosses against me but their central midfield was quite strong so I closed down the player who crossed the most and they achieved 7% completion overall which I think is an acceptable risk

Obviously if they are the strongest on their wings, as you said, you should you try playing through the middle on offensive and play wider in defense.

Hope this helps a bit!
As I said, I wasn't too happy with the 4 CCC's Doncaster had, so I decided to rewatch the extended highlights.

The first CCC:
The ML of the opponent can run passed the line without being attacked by my VR. My two DC's just allow the strikers to run at the goal without really following them, making them alone in front of the goal.

The second CCC:
The opponent's striker gets too much time before my DC reacts on the threat. The striker launches the other striker while my other DC just stands there because he thinks it's offside.

The third CCC:
My DC follows his opponent to the attacking-midfield position. The attacker turns himself clear and can launch a through ball for the MR who is faster dan my DR.

The fourth CCC:
The opponent's attacker passe to the other attacker who can pass his marker quite easily and go through to my keeper.

As I see it...the attackers get too much time to "do" their thing. I must admit that I didn't set any opponent instructions so that could be the reason. Because there are still friendlies I am not really able to look for things WHY I should set certain instructions. But I think default the AM sets tighter marking and close down for any striker or "dangerous" opponent.
4. Aberdeen - Anderlecht
I will set the DC's to tight marking the opponent's striker.

My line-up:
Thomas Kaminski
DL: Fabrice N’Sakala
DR: Guillaume Gillet
DC: Oliver Deschacht & Chancel Mbemba
ML: Frank Acheampong
MR: Luka Milivojevic
BWM: Anthony Vanden Borre
AP: Dennis Praet
DLF: David Pollet
AF: Cyriac Gohi Bi
The opponent’s tactic: 5-3-2
View attachment 364990

Half-Time score: 0-0
Full-Time score: 1-1
Opponents goals:
A DC closes down to someone in the midfield so his direct opponent gets freedom and the through ball who can just score.
View attachment 364989

View attachment 364988

Average position:
View attachment 364987

View attachment 364986


- We were nowhere and it is definitely a game to forget. I think the “Hassle opponent” was not really the right thing to do, so I will change this to a team-instructions where to defend a bit harder => "Get stuck in". I am aware that we will probably get more cards and fouls against us, but I want to see what happens.
- If I look at the player stats, I see that our goalkeeper has a success rate of 41%. I will set his player instruction to make short passes to defender.
5. Belgian Super Cup: Anderlecht - Genk

My line-up:
GK: Thomas Kaminski
DL: Fabrice N’Sakala
DR: Guillaume Gillet
DC: Bram Nuytinck & Cheikhou Kouyaté
ML: Frank Acheampong
MR: Massimo Bruno
BWM: Demy De Zeeuw
AP: Sacha Kljestan
DLF: Matias Suarez
AF: Aleksandar Mitrovic
The opponent’s tactic: 4-4-2
View attachment 364960

Half-Time score: 0-1
Full-Time score: 1-2
Opponents goals:
The ML sends a striker behind my defence who outruns my defence. He shoots but the keeper stops. The other striker followes and scores.
The striker that was followed by my DC sends the ball through to the MR. My defender makes the tackle on the ball who gets in front of the other striker who can score.

View attachment 364959

View attachment 364957

Average position:
View attachment 364953

View attachment 364951


- We lost and again, the opponent got 5 CCC’s…I changed the team-instruction “Hassle opponent” to “Get stuck in”. I guess I will change it back to “Hassle opponent”.
- I also didn’t make any OI’s, so I will keep on doing this in the next games for the strikers.
- My DC follows his opponent, so maybe I guess I am going to add something where the DC's stay on their position => "Stick to position"
Keep the games coming buddy. Really like the thought process you are illustrating. It's a fresh approach and not one I've witnessed in this much detail. I still have my concerns about familiarity, but following with interest
I will add some team instructions that should normally allow my team to attack and limit the time the opponent has the ball:

· Go route one: NO, I think this will make my team kick the ball up front where it can get picked up by the opponent.
· More direct passing: NO, I think this will make my team lose the ball because they lose the ball by bad passes.
· Retain possession: YES, if I retain possession, the opponent can't. This rules out "Go route one", "More direct passing" and "Pump ball into box".
· Shorter passing: NO, this will make my team pass the ball around to players close to each other. I am afraid that my players will run too much with the ball because they can’t find someone close to him.
· Pass into Space: NO, this will make my team make more risky passes, which can eventually get lost somewhere in space to get picked up.
· Work Ball into Box: YES, this will make my team pass the ball around until there is an opening. This rules out “Shoot on sight”.
· Play out of defence: YES, this will make my defenders to pass the ball around instead of kicking it up front, where the opponent can picks up. This rules out: “Clear ball to flanks”.
· Hit early crosses: NO, this will make my team cross as soon as they can which making the team to kick the ball too soon into the box where the opponent can clear them.
· Float crosses: MAYBE, this will be an instruction if I play with a large attacker with good heading.
· Drill crosses: MAYBE, this will be an instruction if I play with a pacey attacker who outruns the defender, because he doesn’t expect the drill cross.
· Run At Defence: NO, This will make my team run at the defence making him lose the ball because of a failed dribble.
· Shoot on sight: NO, if I want to keep possession, I can’t allow my team to shoot whenever they please.

· Exploit the flanks: MAYBE, only if my wingers are way better than the opponent’s backs.
· Exploit the left flank: MAYBE, only if my left side are way better than the opponent’s right side.
· Exploit the right flank: MAYBE, only if my right side are way better than the opponent’s left side.
· Exploit the middle: MAYBE, only if my central players are way better than the opponent’s central players.
· Look for overlap: NO, I am afraid that my left/right back gets too high up. If someone loses the ball my left/right side is unmanned.

· Play wider: MAYBE, I think this depends on the team his strengths. If the opponent scores the most of his goals from the side with crosses. I will play wide.
· Play Narrower: MAYBE, I think this depends on the team their weaknesses. If the opponent scores of his goals with a pass. I will play narrower.
· Much higher defensive lines: YES, the less space the opponent has, the more they lose a ball. This rules out: “Push higher up”, “Drop deeper”, “Much deeper defensive line”.
· Push higher up: NO, I guess this is the same as above only that the space will be a bit bigger for the opponent.
· Drop deeper: NO, The players will drop deeper, so there is more space for the opponent to pass and try to make a through ball to the attackers who outrun my defence.
· Much deeper defensive line: MAYBE, this will position my team closer to the keeper which making the space between defense and midfield too big. If I see that my team is getting problems with through balls because of a fast striker, I will change set this.
· Stick to position: YES, I believe that my players should stick more to their position. If a player should get more freedom, this will be set on the player instructions. This rules out “Roam from position”.
· Allow wide players to swap: MAYBE, if I have two midfielders who has a good left and right foot who plays in the game…I could do this.

· Hassle opponent: YES, the less time the opponent gets, the better. This rules out “Stand off opponent”. This rules out “Take a breather”
· Get stuck in: NO, this will make my team make slidings. They can’t defend if they are on the ground.
· Stay on feet: YES, I rather have 10 players on their feet who stand off, than 8 players who stand off because 2 made a poor sliding. This rules out “Get stuck in”.
· Use tighter marking: NO, if my team mark their opponent, they will follow someone who has the duty to make space for other players. If I really want to set someone to man marking, I can set opponent instructions and/or player instructions.
· Use offside trap: MAYBE, this will depend on the “teamwork”-attributes of my defence. I don’t want to play offside-trap where one defender rules it out. 3 defenders could get punished because of 1 sleeping defender.
· Take a breather: NO, only because it is ruled out by “Hassle opponent”. This could be changed in the following situations: Lead to defend, end of first half, end of second half, 3 substitues done and players are getting tired.
· *Much higher tempo: NO, I am afraid my team would make more mistakes.
· *Higher tempo: NO, I am afraid my team would make more mistakes.
· *Lower tempo: NO, I am afraid my team would take too much time to attack.
· *Much lower tempo: NO, I am afraid my team would take too much time to attack.
· Be more expressive: NO, I don’t want the team to dribble too much. If I think someone should dribble, he will get this in player instructions.
· Be more disciplined: YES, organization is important to make sure that the team don’t try anything risky, making them lose the ball. This rules out “be more expressive”.

*I could eventually change those in match if I see that my team has a good passing-percentage or a bad one.

My final "general" team-instructions like I saved them:
View attachment 364941

What do I want to see in the next game:
- High possession in every line
- Not a lot of CCC by opponent
- An "acceptable" percentage of shots and CCC
- I expect a change in heatmap as well
6. TP Mazembe - Anderlecht

My line-up:
GK: Xavier Gies
DL: Olivier Deschacht
DR: Guillaume Gillet
DC: Chancel Mbemba & Leander Dendoncker
ML: Andy Najar
MR: Luka Milivojevic
BWM: Anthony Vanden Borre
AP: Dennis Praet
DLF: David Pollet
AF: Cyriac Gohi Bi
The opponent’s tactic: 4-4-2
View attachment 364939

Half-Time score: 0 - 2
Full-Time score: 0 - 3
Opponents goals:

View attachment 364938

View attachment 364937

Average position:
TP Mazembe:
View attachment 364936


View attachment 364935

What I wanted to see with my team instructions:
- High possession in every line
- Not a lot of CCC by opponent
- An "acceptable" percentage of shots and CCC
- I expect a change in heatmap as well
Possession: 56%
Passes completed: 78%
Passes defence: 61% (not good, but could be because of the goalkeeper)
Passes midfield: 85%
Passes attack: 89%
CCC by opponent: 0 and 1 half chance
CCC by me: 3 and 4 half chances
CCC/Shots: 3/10 = 30%, but if I take the half chances into account: 7/10 = 70%
CCC/Shots on target: 3/5 = 60%
Change in heatmap: Not really a change in heatmap, but I wasn’t sure if this would change

Extra observations:
- Keeper has a lot of missed passes and actually...I don't know why because he still had the setting "distribute to defenders"
- The advanced playmaker has the ball A LOT (106 passes with a success rate of 92 passes.
- Most passes are to a teammate.

Media says:
Anderlecht hammer TP Mazembe: RSC Anderlecht enjoyed near total domination over a distinctly average Tout Puissant Mazembe side at Stade Mazembe this evening.

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7. Jupiler Pro League: Lokeren - Anderlecht

Because Lokeren mostly score their goals from the right side with a pass I should set the team instruction “Play narrower”.
My line-up:
GK: Thomas Kaminski
DL: Fabrice N’Sakala
DR: Guillaume Gillet
DC: Bram Nuytinck & Cheikhou Kouyaté
ML: Frank Acheampong
MR: Massimu Bruno
BWM: Anthony Vanden Borre
AP: Demy De Zeeuw
DLF: David Pollet
AF: Aleksandar Mitrovic
The opponent’s tactic: 4-2-3-1
View attachment 364912

Half-Time score: 0-1
Full-Time score: 3-1
At a score of 0-1 and dominating the game my central defender gets a second yellow card.

Opponents goals:
1. A failed cross attempt passes my goalkeeper
2. A failed from my striker gets intercepted by the midfield. My central defender follows his opponent and an attacker can run after the through ball.
3. My only central defender gets outnumbered with opponent attackers so a through ball and Lokeren scores.

View attachment 364911

View attachment 364910

Average position:
View attachment 364909

View attachment 364908

Possession: 65%
Passes completed: 85%
Passes defence: 71% (not good, but could be because of the goalkeeper)
Passes midfield: 88%
Passes attack: 87%
CCC by opponent: 3 and 2 half chances (but only after when my DC was sent off)
CCC by me: 0 and 2 half chances
CCC/Shots: 0/9 = 0%, but if I take the half chances into account: 2/9 = 22%
CCC/Shots on target: 0/1 = 0%
Change in heatmap: I saw my team higher on the pitch and Lokeren more on their own pitch at average.

- I got a red card, meaning that my tackling is too agressive OR the referee is too harsh.
- I am sure I would've won the game if we stayed with 11. We were dominating the game, even with 10 against 11.
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Thinking about the match-statistics and seeing I don't have a lot of CCC, maybe that is because of my team tactic to pass the ball around searching for an opening. So the next match:

8. Jupiler Pro League: Anderlecht - Kortrijk

Because Kortrijk mostly score their goals from the left side with a pass I should set the team instruction “Play narrower”, I could even try to make my VR play a less attacking role.
My line-up:
GK: Thomas Kaminski
DL: Fabrice N’Sakala
DR: Guillaume Gillet
DC: Olivier Deschacht & Bram Nuytinck
ML: Frank Acheampong
MR: Massimu Bruno
BWM: Anthony Vanden Borre
AP: Demy De Zeeuw
DLF: David Pollet
AF: Aleksandar Mitrovic
The opponent’s tactic: 4-2-3-1
Number of teams who used this formation: 2
View attachment 364576

Half-Time score: 0-1
Full-Time score: 1 - 1
Again I got a red card. I see the following pattern: a striker gets the ball and my DC runs at him making a standing tackle. That must be a combination of “Hassle the opponent” and “Stand on feet”. I am going to delete the option “Hassle the opponent” for the next games.

Opponents goals:
1. My DC is too high up on the field because he is marking an opponent’s striker which making the ML have a free zone to run into. All of a sudden I have the following situation where I get 4 defenders rather close to each-other, 5 players in a halve circle where 3 are almost free, 2 of my midfielders are terribly late and even a striker came back to defend. Nevertheless the pass comes and one of the 3 free players can score. It all began with my defender that went too high to go to an attacker.

View attachment 364572

View attachment 364570

Average position:

View attachment 364569

View attachment 364567

Possession: 58%
Passes completed: 84%
Passes defence: 89%
Passes midfield: 84%
Passes attack: 80%
CCC by opponent: 1 and 3 half chances
CCC by me: 2 and 2 half chances
CCC/Shots: 2/10 = 20%, but if I take the half chances into account: 4/10 = 40%
CCC/Shots on target: 2/5 = 40%

- “Hassle the opponent” will be deleted from the team-instructions for sure !
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For the next games I am going to delete the match statistics: Kilometers run, Average rating, shots during first half and shots during second the match statistics are easier to capture.

So I ended my last comment that I will delete "Hassle the opponent" from the team instructions.

9. Jupiler Pro League: Standard - Anderlecht

Apparently Standard score most of his goals from the right side with both a cross and passes. I should defend my left side good because of this. If I look at the numbers of assists per players I can see that their DL made an assist, so I should be aware of him. My entire right side will have a slightly less attacking role and I will attack via the left flank because of the attacking right flank of opponent.
Making my addition to the team-instructions in game:
- Exploit the left flank
My line-up:
GK: Thomas Kaminski
DL: Fabrice N’Sakala
DR: Guillaume Gillet
DC: Bram Nuytinck & Cheikhou Kouyaté
ML: Frank Acheampong
MR: Massimu Bruno
BWM: Anthony Vanden Borre
AP: Demy De Zeeuw
DLF: David Pollet
AF: Aleksandar Mitrovic
The opponent’s tactic: 4-4-2
Number of teams who used this formation: 1
View attachment 364560

Half-Time score: 0 - 1
Full-Time score: 0 - 0
This game I didn’t receive any card so that is good. Opponent got 5 CCC’s which is not that good. Maybe I will make my goalkeeper play a little bit higher as there will probably be a lot of space between my defence and my goalkeeper.

Opponents goals:

View attachment 364559

View attachment 364558

Average position:
View attachment 364557


View attachment 364556

Possession: 54%
Passes completed: 8.%
Passes defence: 79%
Passes midfield: 79%
Passes attack: 84%
CCC by opponent: 5 and 4 half chances
CCC by me: 2 and 3 half chances
CCC/Shots: 2/7 = 28%, but if I take the half chances into account: 5/7 = 71%
CCC/Shots on target: 2/1 = 200%

- For the next game I will give my goalkeeper the “sweeper keeper”-role.
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10. Jupiler Pro League: Anderlecht – KV Mechelen

The majority of the goals of KV Mechelen come from the flanks with a pass. Again I will narrowing the width in team instructions during game.
My line-up:
GK: Silvio Proto
DL: Fabrice N’Sakala
DR: Anthony Vanden Borre
DC: Bram Nuytinck & Cheikhou Kouyaté
ML: Frank Acheampong
MR: Massimo Bruno
BWM: Demy De Zeeuw
AP: Guillaume Gillet
DLF: Matias Suarez
AF: Aleksandar Mitrovic

The opponent’s tactic: 4-4-2 with 2 DM’s.
Number of teams who used this formation: 1
View attachment 364546

Half-Time score: 0 - 1
Full-Time score: 1 - 1
I forgot to put my goalkeeper in a “sweeper keeper”-role.

Opponents goals:

View attachment 364547

View attachment 364548

Average position:
KV Mechelen:
View attachment 364549


View attachment 364550

Possession: 62%
Passes completed: 87%
Passes defence: 86%
Passes midfield: 86%
Passes attack: 88%
CCC by opponent: 3 and 2 half chances
CCC by me: 1 and 10 half chances
CCC/Shots: 1/25 = 4%, but if I take the half chances into account: 11/25 = 44%
CCC/Shots on target: 1/6 = 16%

- For the next game I will give my goalkeeper the “sweeper keeper”-role.
- I am a bit confused why teams have that much amount of shots while only having 6 on target. It could be a possible addition of "Blocked shots", Corner headings, etcetera. Anyone an idea what I can do?
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11. Jupiler Pro League: Charleroi – Anderlecht
The majority of the goals of Charleroi come from both flanks with a pass. So again…I think I should use narrowing width. As the danger comes from both flanks with a pass I will set player instructions for the opponent: “Show onto weaker foot”
My line-up:
GK: Thomas Kaminski
DL: Fabrice N’Sakala
DR: Guillaume Gillet
DC: Bram Nuytinck & Cheikhou Kouyaté
ML: Frank Acheampong
MR: Massimo Bruno
BWM: Anthony Vanden Borre
AP: Demy De Zeeuw
DLF: Matias Suarez
AF: Aleksandar Mitrovic

The opponent’s tactic: 4-2-3-1
Number of teams who used this formation: 3
View attachment 625354

Half-Time score: 1 - 0
Full-Time score: 1 - 3
I have put my goalkeeper as a sweeper keeper and I see that the opponent still has an high amount of CCC. I am not really satisfied, so I should look at the CCC’s more to see where they come from.

Opponents goals:
The ML of the opponent gets a pass in the 16-box who can cross and my BWM, DC, MR are afraid to intercept while my keeper goes to the second post while there is an attacker who can just run to the ball and score. I suppose this should have been easily picked up by my goalkeeper. I guess I can’t really do anything about this.

View attachment 625350

View attachment 625351

Average position:
View attachment 625357


View attachment 625358

Possession: 64%
Passes completed: 86%
Passes defence: 82%
Passes midfield: 86%
Passes attack: 86%
CCC by opponent: 3 and 2 half chances
CCC by me: 2 and 2 half chances
CCC/Shots: 2/13 = 15%, but if I take the half chances into account: 4/13 = 30%
CCC/Shots on target: 2/9 = 22%

- I will by trying to anticipate the weaknesses of the opponent based on what I see in the reports about opponent their goals against. I hope to achieve a better percentage of CCC.
- Our first win of the season! Is my formation gelling? Could it be?
In your match analaysis tab mate there is a shots module, you can see in there where your shots are coming from, and where they are going astray. Also are you watching the matches in full to help you see how things work?

If you look at the stats from the KV Mechelen game, there were only 4 blocked shots, this added to your off target shots is19 and with your on target shots 25 which is your total, so this shows that blocked shots do not count as off target. So there is another underlying issue there.
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In your match analaysis tab mate there is a shots module, you can see in there where your shots are coming from, and where they are going astray. Also are you watching the matches in full to help you see how things work?

If you look at the stats from the KV Mechelen game, there were only 4 blocked shots, this added to your off target shots is19 and with your on target shots 25 which is your total, so this shows that blocked shots do not count as off target. So there is another underlying issue there.

You are right about the addition of shots and I should've watched at the game itself. I must admit that I didn't watch the game...and I know this is not really the good way of "analyzing" the game. But I will watch this match again to see where the failed shots come from. I don't have access to the game right know, but I will check it out later today. In the player stats I can see that my winger and I think my deep laying forward have a bad percentage of shots in this game. My winger has 6 shots and 0 on target and my attacker has 6 shots and 1 on target.
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Due to circumstances I haven't been able to play, but here's an update about my games. I am not going into too much details anymore, I will just tell the things my scouts say and what I see in team report and the things I decided to play my game.

Cercle Brugge - Anderlecht
Goals scored: Placed shots from a pass from right side
Goals conceded: Header from crosses from both sides

Defending against threats:
- Play narrower in team-instructions
- Left winger to support-role in tactic

Attacking to weakness:
- Float crosses in team instructions
- Exploit the flanks in team instructions

34': 1 - 0, through ball from center to striker
39': 2 - 0, penalty
Half-Time: 2 - 0
2 Clear Cut Chances 0
3 Half Chances 1
57% Possession 43%
Full-Time: 2 - 0
2 Clear Cut Chances 0
4 Half Chances 1
55% Possession 45%
The next game is a champions league game and I am put in the following group:
1. Ajax
2. Chelsea
3. CSKA Moscow
4. Anderlecht

Because it is champions league I am not planning to adopt to the opponent because I feel like I need a "David"-tactic here.

For the champions league games, I will only set my team mentality to: counter and my fluidity to Rigid.

Anderlecht - CSKA Moscow
7': 1 - 0, cross from the left side and striker heads it in
9': 2 - 0, pass to striker who plays it through to MR who strikes it in
16': 2 - 1, through ball to MR who strikes it in
37': 3 - 1, corner that stays in the 16-box in front of my player and he scores
41': 4 - 1, Throw in where ball cromes into the box. 5 opponent defenders run to man with ball and my ML is left all alone to score
Half-Time: 4 - 1
2 Clear Cut Chances 1
1 Half Chance 3
55% Possession 45%
71': 5 - 1: Corner kick and my player heads it in
3 Clear Cut Chances 2
1 Half Chances 7
54% Possession 46%

I am a bit shocked by this actually...I never would've thought I would win 5 - 1 against CSKA Moscow...
The next game is for the Belgian Cup:

Anderlecht - Dessel
Goals scored: Placed shots from the flanks
Goals conceded: Placed shots from right flank

Defending to threats:
- Play narrower

- Exploit right flank
- Drill crosses

3': 1 - 0, MC plays it to ML and he scores (it's probably because opponent is pretty weak), because it was from a certain distance
43': 2 - 0, My high VR plays it to my MR who is alone in the box and scores
Half-Time: 2 - 0
1 Clear Cut Changes 0
2 Half chances 1
69% Possession 31%
Full Time: 2 - 0
1 Clear Cut Chance 0
3 Half Chances 1
66% Possession 34%