
Jul 9, 2010
Reaction score
I have just started i am Middlesbrough in my first season (Havent Played a match yet) i have put it on a Large Database and i cant find some players like Marco Verratti he dosent show up at all. I have went to his club Pescara and he is not there. HELP PLEASE
I've had the same problem.....anyway as for Verratti - forget about him, he's never as good as he was on fm10
Load the Italian leagues, or all players from Italy.
its just because you dont have enough scouting knowledge of that nationality i think
I have just selected Italy as one of the nations and he was there. So does this mean i have to select every nation to get all the players?
yes but ur games would move as slow as a whale crawling

EDIT: 1000th post YAY
Marco Verratti is AWESOME!! In my 6th Man Utd season and he has been my creative midfielder from my first season!! He is simply brilliant.
I have just selected Italy as one of the nations and he was there. So does this mean i have to select every nation to get all the players?

It makes you tick boxes then after lets you choose which ones you want to be able to play in.