
Dec 16, 2010
Reaction score
Hi, this is my first post as ive only just bought FM11...i havent been able to play FM10 or FM09 really because my old computer was too slow, and i think i may have lost my touch as i cannot win a game with Chelsea! So far ive won 1 drawn 7 lost 4 in all competitions...

Anyone got any advice, or any tactics they can suggest as i have tried a very different varients of 4-3-3/4-5-1...?

Also...Does anyone have any suggestions for interesting challenges or teams to be?
Well clearly you can win. As you've won one.
They said the game was real... and look at chelsea last results, not different from yours LOL! nah jk

post a screen of your tatic ?
Try having a more fluid tactic, attacking and give your players creative freedom.
haha true mate... Ill work it out for myself, its just a basic 4-3-3 with DMC and Wingers

Calder95...cheers for your help.........
This game is dead easy...and there’s no reason why you shouldn’t be doing well (especially with a team like Chelsea).
Any tactic (within reason of the player’s capability) will work. The secrets are simple…
  1. The game favours steady state. I.e. Rapid changes that you make for each game brings the game out of sync and takes time to settle. So my advice is clear. In the beginning of a season..Create a tactic – YOU’RE happy with and believe the players can rise to it.
  2. You need the best assistant manger you can afford (Chelsea will already have this). Set your assistant to do all you’re talking. I.e. Press, Team-talks, and Half Time talks…the works…everything. I let him speak for the club and players…All the time. What I don’t do is ask him the set opposition instructions (next point).
  3. Leave opposition instructions alone. Don’t touch. Again this would changes the dynamics of the game. The players will rise and play to their abilities when left to your own game plan and tactic.
  4. If anything download a training regime from one of these sites. Always useful…but not a tactic…create your own…you’ll enjoy the game loads more and you’ll get to see the strengths and weaknesses of your team…and buy better players for the following season in certain positions
  5. Very true about what was said earlier regarding creative freedom…I set the creative values for each player individually with my strikers having almost full capacity of creative freedom.
  6. All my players’ position have individual settings made. I.e. Creative Freedom, Hold Up-Ball, Tackling etc….and just keep that set throughout. I only look at TWO things when I need to bring another player into the team….Long shots & Crossing…and adjust accordingly….THAT’S IT….otherwise I try changing nothing.

Good Luck…believe in your team and believe in your tactic and you’ll do well…STEADY STATE is the key to this…don’t change too much if you don’t need to…

(sorry I’m a process engineer, is the only way I can explain it)
haha you explained it brilliantly! cheers mate...just getting impatient, and to be honest, ive fallen out of love with FM the last few years so finding it hard to keep my interest! Cheers for the help
to each to their own

i actually have like 7 or 8 saved tactics and i change my tactics for each match. sometimes i tweak my formations/tactics to one that i don't even have saved before. i play full match (no extended/key) and i change tactics+move my sliders constantly throughout the game. i tinker a lot...

only lost twice in my first season with everton and won the league and carling. that's more or less 50 games and i used about 40 different tactics (derived from 8 base tactics)

i think it depends on how adaptable your players are. maybe everton's players are more versatile... jagielka/heitinga/fellaini/cahill/neville/bilyaletdinov/osman are more or less first-team utility players

i can't tell you how to win but i can tell you how not to lose. my strategy always has been to always have a spare man in the back. for example, i play 2 centerbacks against 1-striker formations, 3 centerbacks against 2-striker formations, and 2 centerbacks 2 defensive minded full backs against 3-striker formations. against 4 strikers, i do 5 defensive minded defenders. and of course i change my formation in game if my opponent changes their formation. i don't win big, i occasionally draw, but i still won the league and with the best GD and best defensive record
to each to their own

i actually have like 7 or 8 saved tactics and i change my tactics for each match. sometimes i tweak my formations/tactics to one that i don't even have saved before. i play full match (no extended/key) and i change tactics+move my sliders constantly throughout the game. i tinker a lot...

only lost twice in my first season with everton and won the league and carling. that's more or less 50 games and i used about 40 different tactics (derived from 8 base tactics)

i think it depends on how adaptable your players are. maybe everton's players are more versatile... jagielka/heitinga/fellaini/cahill/neville/bilyaletdinov/osman are more or less first-team utility players

i can't tell you how to win but i can tell you how not to lose. my strategy always has been to always have a spare man in the back. for example, i play 2 centerbacks against 1-striker formations, 3 centerbacks against 2-striker formations, and 2 centerbacks 2 defensive minded full backs against 3-striker formations. against 4 strikers, i do 5 defensive minded defenders. and of course i change my formation in game if my opponent changes their formation. i don't win big, i occasionally draw, but i still won the league and with the best GD and best defensive record

You play full match everytime ? My God man !! You're gonna grow old.

I just finished my season...13 goals against throughout the whole season...OK I play Man U...but I don't have do much to let the game play for me. I'm in 2016 already...and my aim now is not to win trophies...(cos that willl come)...but to get Man U rich again !