Catenaccio Tactic- Recreation of AC Milan 1963-1969


Aug 13, 2011
Reaction score
AC Milan 1963-69 - Football's Greatest**

Catenaccio - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

This is my second tactic I've uploaded.

(With this tactic- I've won the Italian Cup two seasons in a row, finished 2nd twice behind a brilliant Juve side, got to the Euro Cup semi Final and got beat by Manchester City, all while supposedly being one of the worst sides in Serie A.)

Note: Its very much improved since those two past seasons, so I expect to do a lot better this season, already beaten the European Champions Chelsea twice in the champions leauge group stage this season.....

I decided I wanted to try to recreate the tactic of Nereo Rocco's AC Milan of the 1960's, based around the brilliant talent of Gianni Rivera- a team which won two european cups during that decade. Unlike Herrera's inter of the time, although still a very defensive set up with a sweeper and man marking system, Rocco's team were a lot more attacking than their rivals, with two wingers supporting the lone forward and a playmaker (Rivera) dictating play in the middle of the park.

This tactic is pure catenaccio (which loosely translates as padlock), a system of play that teams all around the world feared. It uses swift counter attacks to destroy opponents who have pushed all their players up the field attacking the padlocked defence.

Edit: I've edited the tactic removing the sweeper, since when watching the matches I noticed that the sweeper dosen't actually seem to do anything ( I really mean it, no tackles no interceptions in most matches- so its been like playing with 10 men for 2 years prior to this) so I've replaced the sweeper with a covering defender which I guess is more like a modern sweeper, and the results have been much more of an improvement as I will show below...

As you would expect the tactic is excelent defensivley, it uses a man marking system, but no longer uses the sweeper. The tactic also uses a ball winning mid along with an advanced playmaker in the middle of the park to initiate play. And finally uses two wingers one set on attack and the other set on support- along with the lone striker who is set as a complete forward.

While the defence sits deep, I have my two stopper defenders, pressing to get the ball back, while the covering defender sits back. The opposition team, usually shoots a lot from outside the box, so while it may appear that they are having lots of shots, not many are in any dangerous positions just long and hopefull.

The formation used is a 5-2-2-1:


Full back's- Support

CB- Cover

Other CB's- Stoppers

BWM- Defend

Advanced PM- Attack

Winger- Support

Winger- Attack

Complete FWD- Attack

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which do you think is better? this one or the other cartennaccio tactic?
For lower leauge football then the other one is much better suited- since its really narrow, and not many teams have good wingers, so they can't exploit how narrow your team is set up. So in lower leauges that tactic is great when you need to grind out results because everyones a mile better than you, it has great defence for those leauges. However i soon noticed when i got promoted to Serie A with San Marino that the other tactic is not good for the highest level of football, so this one is much better for higher level teams. The wingers, and the attacking PM really add to the swift counter attack. If you had great players then I reckon this would work really well, so all depends on what leauge your in mate. Hope that helped!
hi nice tactic I will try it.
I want to ask what are the most important attributes for the positions ?
Well, the sweeper has to be very athletic and also exceptionally good at reading the game to pick up the loose balls and get anyone who gets through the defence. So Anticipation, composure, concentration, decisions, positioning. And good acceleration, marking, jumping, tackling and good passing ability to try and find good through balls to initate a counter attack. The Wingers have to be fast and technically gifted, and the Adv Pm has to be very technially gifted, lots of flair and creativity to go with his skills. Hope that helps and would love to hear if you like the tactic mate.
thanks mate :) the answer I've been looking for
I think Phil Jones will be a good choice for a sweeper in my save :)
Good to hear that ducvolpe :), tell me how it goes and if it helps mate. I reckon he'd be a good choice! Which team are you using?
I tried your other tactic with Parma and it didnt impress. However my best talent is on the wings so hopefully this one fares better. By the way, im in 4th season and im a title contender but just want to cut down the amount of goals I concede. Will post a screenie of results if it is positive :)
Good luck with that steve, this tactics a lot more suited to a team in serie a. The other one really is for lower league football. Hope this one works better this time.
Edit: I've changed the tactic slightly making the two centre backs stoppers, and making the defence press more apart from the sweeper.
Updated again: No sweeper anymore, much better results, as shown in OP. Much better and more modern.