Try a link in forum "4 star coaches"
I always take:
Harald Schumacher
Marco Rota
Marcel Lucassen
Kevin Ball
Paul Mcguinness
John Mcmahon
Alesandre Graselli
Giambattista Venturati
Ganpiero Ventrone
Massimo Neri
Rachid Chibab
Omar Feitosa
Bernhard Peters
Gian Nicola Bisciotti
Anselmo Sbraglia
Manuel Delgado Meco
Ricardo Moniz
Valter Di Salvo
Gerald Ehrmann
Tony Carr
Martin Keown
Vincenzo Pincolini
Keitch Bertschin
and many many more...
For physios:
Otavio de Vilhena
Charles Costa
Marco Frigerio
and many many more...
***. manager:
Werner Kern (best, but only 2 seasons and retire)
Pat Rice
Mauro Tassotti
Tito Vilanova
Tord Grip (old scout, but normal for ***.)
try to look for tactical knowledge, player ability and pot., you dont need your ***. manager to train, like other idiots think.