Championship manager 2010 pay what you want

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Someone make a thread saying this and its a load of balls
It's a great idea, The last few cm's have been so **** they lost there whole fan base to SIGAMES who most of us were loyal to anyway.

They are targetting people like us who will look at forums and go for this. I done it £2.51 for a game that might be worth playing.
same kris but alot of people will think its a con
just think tho if loads of people pay 2.51 cause u can pay what you like
there laughin really aint they
i think its a great way to sell
Yup they must really have faith in the game this year to even go for this.
thing that anoys me on champ man is that you could have a dream team and get beat by oxford united haha
but it looks good
should be or they might be tellin us something at 2.51 haha
kris check my over post
Help and views on my new game mate
It was on Yahoo homepage so I posted it a couple of days ago.
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