Championship Manager 2010

Makes you realise how good FM actually is. ^^)
you can change the match speed
also you have 3d training and prozone

---------- Post added at 12:35 PM ---------- Previous post was at 09:33 AM ----------

anyone actually completed at least a season on cm 10
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I downloaded the demo and was not impressed by it. I guess I am FM hardcore all the way.
on my game, rafa benitez got sacked and replaced by jose mourinho
its the original
i haven't downloaded a new one yet
Here's what I think about the game:

1.) The set piece creator is very good, much more detailed then fm's set piece setting.
2.) Training is more detailed, and you can whatch it, so you can see what is going wrong/right.
3.) Scouting is very detailed, and you can pay to expand your scouting knowledge.
4.) When you offer a player to clubs, you can offer him to one specific club instead of always having to offer him to all clubs in general.

1.) 3D match engine isn't as good as FM's.
2.) A lot of players are very over-priced, e.g. Messi's value is £75m, fat Ronaldo's is £5.5m etc.
3.) You can't get a team report.
4.) Coach/scout reports aren't as detailed.

OVERALL: I'd say it's a decent game, but fm is a lot better
Another thing I don't like is how the stats are out of 100, I much prefer it out of 20.
Another thing I don't like is how the stats are out of 100, I much prefer it out of 20.

Oh yeah I forgot to add that :S

Like if someone has a heading stat of 55, I don't really know if that's good or not
i got it for £2.51 as well and was very disappointed. I know my laptop isnt the best but i found that championship manager just took too long to play, i found it was taking hours to reach matches because of that moving background seemingly taking an age to load.
Overall, imo Football manager is a much more polished and streamlined game
Well 55 is just above average so I guess it would be the equivalent of 10-11 on FM
Team report? What do you mean by that?

---------- Post added at 03:50 PM ---------- Previous post was at 03:48 PM ----------

That was to Lewis Edwards by the way.
its ridden with bugs, being patched all the time and the database is so shoddy. i ahve found so many players whose posititons are completely wrong.

ie cnetre backs listed as left wingers etc, the worst was a swedish player who i know to be a striker who was listed as a right back, despite having the perfect stats to be a decent championship striker
Team report? What do you mean by that?

---------- Post added at 03:50 PM ---------- Previous post was at 03:48 PM ----------

That was to Lewis Edwards by the way.

Well you know on fm where you click assisstant manager advice then get team report, and he says what he thinks is the best starting 11