Aug 10, 2011
Reaction score
my team is lacking qaulity at the back so i need cheap but good defenders .
What do you mean by cheap?

Try Ondrej Mazuch. He costs like 2M at the beggining of the game
No idea, try the correct section, the Players Discussion section
I got a LB called Wendt for around £800k. I'd never heard of him before, but in another save Spurs signed him, so he can't be that unknown. He's a decent 7 out of 10 player. No thrills, but does the job.
Chris Riggott and Calum Davenport, both on free transfers.
Alexandre Maltese... if you scout the French lower leagues, there's lots of gems, Maltese was great for me and David Soubieux (sp?) was also excellent.
Dzmitry Verkhovstov (sp?) from Naftan, either way just search Naftan and he should be in their squad regardless of weather you have the league loaded or not, only costs about 575k too.
Try bruma, de vrij, delac(gk) santon and there are often amazing free players