
Nov 28, 2009
Reaction score
Nearing the end of my first season as Chelsea. Started superbly didnt let in a single goal in the league until december then my players left for african nation and my team folded completely and have lost their way ive surrendered a 10 point lead and am now 3 points of the pace. My main problems is that i dominate games score one and dont score again the over chucks everyone up and score a goal.

If you could recommend a tactic and roles it would be much appreciated

My formation at the moment is
Bosignwa Carv Terry Cole (Full Backs Support, Terry-Limited, Carv-Ballplaying)
Mikel - defensive mid
Essien Lamps Hamsik (Essien-B2B, Lamps-CenterAtt, Hamsik-CenterAtt)
Drogba/Dzeko Anelka (Drogba/Dzeko Complete Striker, Anelka-Deeplying)

Rodwell (arrives in the summer)
Since you got a good team and not scoring enough, have you tried to play more attacking and change to standard/more defensive when leading?

And I prefer Essien to play the DMC instead of Mikel. Mikel can play equally well on DMC and MC meanwhile Essien's ability 'drops' when he become an MC.

Or alternatively - although I can't guaranteed - you can try my tactic. It's an 4-4-2 diamond with wingers so you can use Essien and Lampard at their best position (DMC and AMC). Some guys said it was brilliant with Chelsea. If I'm not wrong. he only conceded like 10 goals in a season while scoring 2-3 goals per game. Maybe it's true since Chelsea is solid on defense and it got good headers up front, good wingers, and strong DMC - which is the key players of my tactic. Again, I can't guarantee anything, just an alternative. If you like it then feel free to try it :)


Ah since the guy above me already post it - that is my tactic actually. So we're on the same page there. :p
Thank you guys, who would you recommend as using as my wingers, Sold of Malouda so havent got 2 naturals!
j.cole on the right
s. kalou or y.zhirkov on the left
What he said.
Probably buy another right (pacy) winger if you still can.
have you sold kalou too? ....I wouldn't change to the 4-4-2 with wingers if you only have 2 wingers and 8 central midfielders! Besides, changing the formation so far into the season can have adverse effects. Maybe you could stick with the formation for the current season but i'd suggest playing attacking wingbacks to give some width to the formation .... hope this helps.