Classic Football Sim PC game ID needed


Oct 21, 2011
Reaction score
I know this is a long shot but I was wondering whether somebody could help me find a game that was released before 2000s. It is a classic football sim game in which you could only play in england, italy, germany and probably spain. To start off you had to pick a team in any of the leagues and input your own players! Defender, Midfield, or Forward and their name. Then the game would automatically assign ratings to the players. The only thing you could do in this game was select 11 players and 5 subs for the game, and buy players from the transfer list. The game was simmed in a black screen showing all games of the day, and a big classic clock would do the game time.

I know this game must sound incredibly boring but I had an amazing time killing some time with this game.

If anybody knows what this game might be please let me know