Climbing The Laddar - A San Marino Story


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Apr 12, 2009
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The England vs San Marino game the other day inspired me to have one last crack at the San Marino Challenge.

Chapter 1: From Humble Beginnings


Life is full of many strange event I told myself, as I poured a pint of Fosters for a customer. Luca Gasperoni was a regular at my pub and was also one of my best friends. I handed over his pint in exchange for his money. "So, are you excited about tomorrow? Luca asked. He was one of the only people in the pub who knew that my other job was actually manager of the San Marino national team. I like to keep it quiet you see. I had only been appointed a few weeks ago.
...."Yeah, Im quite excited, I know we stand no change, but its always a laugh eh?!"
...."I love your optimism mate." Laughed Luca.


In just 24 hours time, I would be trading the bar taps for the dugout of a football pitch. I knew we stood no chance against the Iranian national team, but like I said to Luca, its all a good laugh. I did have a vision for the country though. My aim was to take the country to new heights. Climb the ranking in the FIFA table, and who knows, maybe even win a game!
....I knew this would take many years, if not decades, but I want to lay the foundations for Sammarinese football. The journey all started tomorrow. I was ready to take the challenge head on.
....Midnight came, and it was time to throw the final few drunkards out of the pub. Watching them stumble out, I always wonder how on earth they managed to actually find their way home. I hopped on my Vespa scooter and made my way home. I knew sleep would be hard, but I did my best to get some, as tomorrow would be a big day. I spent the whole night dreaming about footballs, tactics and scoring the winning goal against Brazil. If only! I thought about my players, I wonder if they are dreaming the same thing?

- Carlo Mazza

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Are you managing the club as well? Also isn't it a little late on in the series for an SM challenge?
Chapter 1.1: The Start of a Long Journey

The sunlight crept in through the cracks in the blinds. Waking up was always one of the worst parts of the day for me, but this time, I was up and out of bed immediately. I jumped into the shower, and readied myself for the big day ahead. I made myself some breakfast, tea and toast, very British.
....Next came arguably the hardest part of the day for me, choosing which suit to wear. You see, im a very eccentric person at times. I love unusual clothing. Expect to see a few over the course of this story. In the end, I flipped a coin, and went for the white one.


Time was passing by extremely slowly today. I needed to arrive at the stadium for around 4pm for press conferences and other pre-match niceties. I looked at the time. 12.14pm. What as I going to do for nearly 4 hours? There was no other choice than Fifa 13 on the 360. If only you could play as the San Marino team...
...,The time had come for me to head down to the stadium. I jumped on my scooter, and made my way there. As I approached, I felt a little nervous. It was unlike me, I dont normally get nervous. I swallowed it down, and prepared myself for possibly the biggest day of my life so far.


I arrived at the stadium, and was greeted by the flashes of a few local photographers. I made my was inside the stadium, and was welcomed by the head of the San Marino FA, Fabio Valle.
...."Hello Carlo, welcome to the Stadio Olimpico. Im sure you have been here before though. How are you feeling today?
..."Hi Fabio, good to see you again. Im good thank you. A little nervous but good otherwise, how about you?"
..."Im good thank you Fabio. Im actually quite excited, I have a good feeling about the new era under you."

....Thanks Fabio! Way to put the pressure on me.
..."I will quickly run over the schedule for the day with you Carlo. In about an hours time, the press will arrive, and you will take some questions from them. Dont worry about it, its much easier than it seems. Just be polite, and try not to give too much away. The players will then arrive at around 6.30, and you can go through tactics with the players, and then the match kicks of at 7.30. Have you got any questions?"
..."Nope, Im all good Fabio."
... "Ok, If you want to wait in the club house, I will call you when the press are ready."

- Carlo Mazza

Are you managing the club as well? Also isn't it a little late on in the series for an SM challenge?

Yes, and no. I always randomly play older versions, So its likely I will keep playing this even when 13 comes out.
Lovely, keep it up dude! I always want to do SM, but never got round to do it! I'm too lazy to do it! But hoping to make a story in FM13 with Shatkhar! :D
Chapter 1.2: Facing The Media

...."The media are now ready for you Carlo. Just remember what I said, keep it simple, and everything should be ok."
....Fabio beckoned me over, and I followed him to the conference room. It was a fairly small room, with around 20 chairs laid out, but only around half a dozen of them were filled. A man gestured to the seat at the front of the room, and I took my place. There were several flashes from all the cameras, each journalist wanting to get an excellent shot for their paper.


.....I was sat next to Fabio, who took the lead with the press conference.
...."Welcome ladies and gentlemen of the press. This conference today is to introduce you to our new national manager Carlo Mazza, and any pre-match questions with our game against Iran today. If anyone has any questions they would like to ask, please raise you hand. Yes, gentleman on the left."
...."Thanks Mr. Valle. My question for you is, was Carlo Mazza your first choice for the job?"
...."Yes, put simply. There were a few other candidate, but Carlo was the stand out candidate, and it was an easy choice for me and the rest of the board. Gentleman in the green sweater, thanks."
...."My question is for Mr. Mazza. Have you always had such an interesting taste in clothing?"
....I laughed. A nice easy question to start with.
..."I like to dress eccentrically, expect to see many different suits sitting in that dugout while im here. And that exactly how I want to shape this football team. I want to play exciting football. That may sound absurd right now, but I will be working hard to reshape the countries view of football."
..."Thats a bold statement Mr. Mazza, do you really feel you can do that?"
..."Of course, with hard work and effort, I feel the team can achieve, and break the current awful record we have." Fabio pointed out another journalist.
..."Mazza, what do you think of our current group of players?"
..."I think they are much better than our current 207th place in the Fifa ranking says. We have some good players here, especially Andy Selva. He is already a legend around here, and I feel he has much more to give."
..."On the subject of Selva, will you be leaving him as captain?"
..."Yes, I dont see why not."
..."How do you feel the team will perform against Iran today?"
..."Well, being the first match in charge, I honestly have no idea. My aim is to at least be on the score sheet. If we can do that, I really dont mind loosing. Its only a friendly, and it will be a valuable experience for me and the team.
..."Ok everyone, I would like to thank you all for coming, this ends our press conference."
Said Fabio. We stood up, and shook hands, waiting for what felt like forever while the flashing of the cameras went off. I followed Fabio out of the room.
..."Well done Carlo, that was great. Your a natural. Now is probably the bit you have been looking forward to most. Lets get you into the changing room and you can see the team."
...I followed him as he escorted me to the changing room.

- Carlo Mazza

​Chapter 1.3: Raring to go


I entered the changing room, and was immediately greeted by the players. Many of them I had met before. This team was picked by my assistant manager, Ermanno Zonzini, as I have yet had the time to watch players myself. I trust in his judgement though, and had a good feeling about today. I looked around at my team, and prepared myself for my first pre-match team talk.
...I walked over to Andy Selva and shook his hand.
///"Evening Andy, how are you today?"
//."Hi Carlo. Im great thanks mate, raring to go! I want to get on the score sheet tonight."
..."Thats the spirit Andy! Thats the exact reason why I have left you as captain. If you can rub your enthusiasm off on others, im sure we can do well"
...I waited for all the lads to get themselves change, and then went over the tactics with them. 4-3-3. Very defensive obviously, but I looked to hit them on the counter attack. I told them to aim their passes at Andy, and let him do the hard work. Once we had been through tactics, I got the players huddled around for a team talk.
./"Right lads, as always, we have been given no chance in this game by the media, but lets use that to our advantage! Go out, play with no pressure. A new era in Sammarinese is starting now, and your a part of it. Go out, stick to your tactics, and do your best, thats all I ask of you. Now go and make a name for yourself."
...The players made their way our of the changing room, and lined themselves up in the tunnel, as I made my way out towards the dugout. I could hear the fans as I approached the pitch, and the roar when I got the the pitch was unbelievable. It was hard to believe there were only 4,500 people here. I shook the hand of the Iranian manager, Carlos Queiroz. We both wished each other luck, and took our seats in opposing dugouts. The teams then came out, and both national anthems were sung, then, it was time to kick off.


...We kicked off, and immediately started an attack. Selva made a dash through the middle of the pitch, and Vitaioli found him with a pass from the wing, and he was brought down by Khanzadeh about 30 yards out. Coppini lined himself up for the free kick, but it was easily saved by the goalkeeper. A sight of goal within a minute though, a good start.
...Iran then launched their own attack, and at times passed it around the defense like they weren't there, and they broke the deadlock after just 3 minutes. Khalili placed a shot passed the reach of Simoncini. It was all then very one way traffic as expected. Iran launched attack after attack and we held strong until the 25th minute, Dejagah scored a superb left footed volley. Not even Iker Casillas could have saved that. I shouted out to the lads, told them to keep their heads up. Remember the tactics, keep it simple. It seamed to fall on deaf ears though, and Iran got themselves another goal through Khanzadeh.
...But just 5 minutes later, something remarkable happened. Coppini picked the ball up in the middle of the park, picked his head up, and saw Selva making a run through the middle of the Iranian defense. He played a perfectly weighted ball, and Selva was through one-on-one. The keeper rushed out. Selva swung his foot.
...And the crowed erupted. The net was bulging, and Andy was celebrating. I was fist pumping on the touchline. What an amazing feeling. 3-1. We had achieved what I expected. To score a goal. The rest of the game almost seemed irrelevant now.
...But lightning does strike twice. Just before half time, we won a corner, and Rondelli whipped in a wicked corner, and Vitaioli pulled of a spectacular diving header, and once again the crowed went crazy. 3-2! It was unbelievable coming in at half time.


...In the dressing room, the players were really excited. The team talk was pretty easy. Go back out, and do exactly the same. We could pull of a big upset here. The lads went out, and the second half began. We were playing with real belief that we could actually get a result here.
...​ Unfortunately, that bubble was burst after 61 minutes, when Iran got themselves another goal. 4-2. Once again, it was a fairly one sided half, with Iran setting up attack after attack. We held strong though, and the game finished 4-2 for a respectable scoreline.


- Carlo Mazza
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Unlucky result but great performance. I'd also say that San Marino aren't the worst team in the world like the rankings suggest, they're a bit better than that but never play the proper, proper minnows who are worse because they and the other association can't afford it because they are mile apart and are in a completely different continent.