
Mar 12, 2009
Reaction score
finances are a big thing in football.......i try and reduce the wage bill before i bring in players...just wanted to see peoples thoughts on wage bill,income,outgoings etc .other ways to make money..........thoughts please
i usually try to sell some reserves and under18s players to generate some dosh. If your after more transfer money could always adjust the budget.

It is quite hard to try and balance your books....maybe thats something that si could put in the next game, more indepth financial control: being able to adjust ticket prices per game, change prices of merchandise, deal with sponsorships etc.

I usually just try to keep my wage budget down. mine is 1.5 mill per week im currrently using only half of this, which im pleased with as is my board.
I guess which team you are playing. My team has a wage budget of 8.5k which I spend most of my time hovering just above and none of my players are good enough to sell for some money (at least no one will buy them from me) and the club doesn't generate enough income to really improve things much - this season I've made a profit of 75k
you can increase your clubs rep. by playing friendly tours in foreign countries like japan, china, U.S.A basically anywhere with a decent economy and the fanbase increases. the effects are not instant but you will notice them eventually. plus the bigger the rep. the more chance of players wanting to play for your team.
I had no idea you could increase the club rep like that, makes a lot of sense when you think about it
i usually try to sell some reserves and under18s players to generate some dosh. If your after more transfer money could always adjust the budget.

It is quite hard to try and balance your books....maybe thats something that si could put in the next game, more indepth financial control: being able to adjust ticket prices per game, change prices of merchandise, deal with sponsorships etc.

I usually just try to keep my wage budget down. mine is 1.5 mill per week im currrently using only half of this, which im pleased with as is my board.

this is football manager not football chairman.
I agree for me the off the pitch stuff are so much more fun than the on pitch.
Player development, scouting knowledge, coaching, building morale and signing players is more fun than the 90 minutes on pitch for me.
Im currently rangers fc and im getting 12 million to spend now, i sold a few players and brought in balotelli for just 8 mil. Anyway i normally put the remaining cash onto my wage budget so its there for the future anyway