Co-owning players


Nov 24, 2008
Reaction score
How do u co-own players? Teams are doing it in spain and italy but iv never had the option!
How do u co-own players? Teams are doing it in spain and italy but iv never had the option!

In spain as well? Really?
I know you can do it in Italy. You have to be an Italian club though, and there may be an age restriction as to when you can do it. Great way to get players if you are playing in Italy.

Pretty sure that you can't do it if you play elsewhere (other than Spain, which I didnt know about)
with Barca I had Atalanta as a feeder club. then someone made a small offer for a player tecome co-woner, it got accepted. than as being their mother club i had a frist option, offered the guy a contract, and i got him for the money which was supposed to be a bet for co-owning. thought this might be a bug (?)
That sounds like a bug. However, Spanish clubs are known to co-own players. I guess you don't know this but when Getafe signed Ustari, they offered a co-ownership deal to Real Madrid and Barcelona (they both rejected) but still, the point stands.
ok, interesting to know, only, it's not included in the game is it?