Well I just tried it and I like it, I've never been a fan of C&C but this is pretty **** good. In the demo everything was happening fast which made the game fun trying to keep up with the AI. I'm going to pre-order this for sure.
Demo was supposed to of been released last night on the marketplace but it's delayed for some reason. It will probably be out later on today or tomorrow.
*edit - The demo is being added to each region's marketplace now, should be available soon.
Still downloading torrents so I'll get it later. Will you let me know if the demo has XBOX Live enabled as well when you're finished please because I can't find anything on that topic.
Right after playing the boot camp and one of the campaign missions I would say the controls are pretty decent and will only get easier to use the more I play. :thup:
You can also play online and I just remembered why I hate playing RTS games online...cos I'm rubbish and other ppl are way too good I played one game against some 'geek' who gave me the finger on the cam after the game lol