
Nov 9, 2011
Reaction score
Hello everyone and happy new year.
I've been playing FM most of my life and so far I'm really liking FM 2017.
It is not heavy at all, and runs fine.
I'm playing it on a i7 4500U, 8gb RAM, SSD and Geforce 920M ( one of the crappiest ).
Despite the not amazing graphical side, I can play most of recent games at acceptable framerate

My FM 2017 though suffers TERRIBLY when i activate the 3d crowd.
Even if all the other settings are on low, if the crowd is on the game will stutter a bit and GPU temp will go up to 80c.
This is due to the crowd being in a ( horrible ) 3D. Bigger stadium means bigger crowd and too much data to compute.
Has anyone come up with a 2D crowd replacement?
Would it be anywhere possible?
I'd be completely fine with a plain 2D ( not animated ) crowd, which at least gives me the feeling of a full stadium.
Cos it really sucks to play with an empty stadium , looks like my fan have a yearly ban or something.
Thanks in advance and sorry for my english.
i have same problem no idea though what it is??
Have you tried to update your video card’s drivers?
Not sure if it's the exact same problem but I had an issue with the gameplay stuttering constantly on my recommended settings. Simple fix was to lower the graphics quality from the recommendation.

My recommended quality was for High so I lowered it to Medium and now runs smoothly without taking away the crowd or anything else. I didn't seem to notice the graphics get any worse either. Maybe reducing the quality by one level will solve it?

Hope this helps.
Thanks Captain Obvious,
that was done. My PC is performing pretty good in all other situations.
Fm's crowd is 3d and invididually animated. Therefore, playing in a 80k ppl stadium with the crowd activated will make the GPU render all of those tiny stupid 3d fans.
My question is simply wheter is possible ( from a dev side, so i'll hardly get an answer here ) to replace the 3d model with simple ****** 2d Textures which would have no impact on the GPU load at all.
But this is not the place to discuss such things :)