
Sep 26, 2014
Reaction score
The Dark Diablo tactic consists of a scheme with four defenders, two central midfielder who advocate while helping arm the game and first half striker, who has focused on the field of play and the offensive part. The front, we have two tips (how much more skill and speed they have, more will highlight) and 1atacantes, one of them is the brain of the team, along with tips and 2 central socks, and the other guy is the definition of the killer. This is a very fluid tactic, but well organized, imposing a strong marking and fast game, with many junctions. very demanding in skill levels, game preparation should be meticulous and difficult
Pre-season should be around 3.5 months. Indicative of July until mid-October. The rest is up to you. Briefly gave him all possible information
Dark Diablo

Why does EVERY tactic thread annoyingly have someone asking this???

It's a TACTICS thread NOT training thread!

Well, if it's not mention in OP i can realy understand why ppl ask.

Training is a huge factor earlyseason especially for FM.
Team training and individual training have nothing to do with the ME/tactic though, so shouldn't depend on what tactic you're using.
Never name a tactic Diablo. :P People will think it is and will complain. :@
Team training and individual training have nothing to do with the ME/tactic though, so shouldn't depend on what tactic you're using.

Sure it has.
How can you say that???

Ofc Team Cohision is a no brainer, but if you play a defencive tactic say you need to make use of defencive positioning to make it realy count.

Or what about if you want to play like stoke? Set pices is key right???

It's not crucial, and mostly a general approach is enough, but sometimes you need to force you're team to get better at certain things, and thats were training comes in.

But, i do hope they make it a more crucial part of FM in the next release, becasue as it is now you can MOSTLY get away by hacking Team cohision for 10 weeks, then put it on balance for the remaining of the season.
I said team training and individual training, you're talking about match preparation.
Yes thats what im talking about aswell, Team training and match training.

Player training is as in all tactics suited to tailor roles.

learn prefered moves.

Skill development is more about staff you got than anything.

Would you train a CB on crossing? obviously not. IF the tactic has high defenceline you want to make sure he got the psoitioning, decissionmaking and pace to cover the role aswell as standard defencive attributes.

Do i realy need to go deeper?

If you refere to other team training, then i have no idea what you refere to, because i have only ever seen the Team Cohision/balanced etc on the left, and Tactic only Etc on the right.

Maybe im the stupid one here...
No ****.

But what you choose for general training and individual training won't directly effect what happens on the pitch, hence there is absolutely no need to ask what general training and individual training a player uses.