Defending Difficulties - Stopper/Cover

what about attributes?

I've seen that you mostly discussed the problems in terms of tactics. It's great to read the tactical discussion but do not forget the attributes. They effect the games in various ways. No matter how good your tactics are if your players are not good enough (for the position he plays in or generally) you will be doomed. It's that simple.

1- Your defenders are terrible. They have very low aggresion levels and also low bravery levels. In other words, your defenders cannot close much more (or more) no matter how you instruct them. They will not fight for the ball or hassle the opposition enough.

2- Their work rate is also very low. In other words they don't care about winning the ball and they will not do everything to win the ball.

3- Your Anchor is unbelievable. He's very short and a polite chicken (agg/bravery 9/9). He'll just watch all the long balls sent to the box and welcome any opponent forcing his way into the box.

I can go on and on but I think you got the main idea. If your players are not good enough for the job, do not force them to do it. At the end of the day, they will not succeed. You say your stopper is losing his position because he tries to close down the gap but opposition players pass around him. It happens because he's not aggresive and brave enough. If the was then the passing opposition players would not be comfortable around hiç and would be forced to make a mistake, bad pass or long ball to the other wing.
I've seen that you mostly discussed the problems in terms of tactics. It's great to read the tactical discussion but do not forget the attributes. They effect the games in various ways. No matter how good your tactics are if your players are not good enough (for the position he plays in or generally) you will be doomed. It's that simple.

1- Your defenders are terrible. They have very low aggresion levels and also low bravery levels. In other words, your defenders cannot close much more (or more) no matter how you instruct them. They will not fight for the ball or hassle the opposition enough.

2- Their work rate is also very low. In other words they don't care about winning the ball and they will not do everything to win the ball.

3- Your Anchor is unbelievable. He's very short and a polite chicken (agg/bravery 9/9). He'll just watch all the long balls sent to the box and welcome any opponent forcing his way into the box.

I can go on and on but I think you got the main idea. If your players are not good enough for the job, do not force them to do it. At the end of the day, they will not succeed. You say your stopper is losing his position because he tries to close down the gap but opposition players pass around him. It happens because he's not aggresive and brave enough. If the was then the passing opposition players would not be comfortable around hiç and would be forced to make a mistake, bad pass or long ball to the other wing.

I agree with a lot of what you put. I did touch on my Stopper, Casierra in the OP, on how his aggression and bravery don't really suit the stopper role, and have played a lot since I posted - I swapped him and my other DC as Mikinac's attributes suit Stopper more than Casierra's, although I am aware they're still not perfect. I feel my defenders are good enough however, I have been searching the market for an experienced, aggressive, brave DC with high work rates, as I noticed my attempts to win balls from crosses were awful - although I am yet to find one just yet.

My DM isn't an Anchor, never have played him as one, always been a defensive midfielder. Funny though, my captain is more aggressive and brave, and plays in same position. I signed Sergio Ricardo as an investment, wasn't intending on ever playing him due to his lack of aggression and bravery - however due to injuries one season I called him back from loan, and played him in a game, he got man of the match 3 games going and has achieved avg.ratings of 7.20+ ever since. I never find he plays as a polite chicken, and he's young, so I'm sticking by him at the moment.

Thanks a lot for your points, like I said I agree with mostly. What I didn't state is that I'm in my 6th season with Villa, finally consecutive European qualification, and I've never spent more than £12million on a transfer and that was my GK. So I always try and make do with bargains I find. Thanks for your input!