Nov 24, 2012
Reaction score
I made a 4-5-1 tactic that works pretty well winning a lot of games.
Only thing is I seem to lose - draw a lot of games by shear stupid defense.
Either it's a solo or a cross w/e, especially against bigger teams I get alot of goals against me.

I player 4-5-1. Fluid - Direct passing - Control (attack if smaller team)
More creativity - More Pressure, normal tackeling - zone defending

High defensive line - Wide - High pace - Over both flanks and counter attack on.

Any ideas to get my defence a bit better? I've tried something but didn't work out.
Also my possesion is horrible..

I am going to start with this question as they are both the result Of the same flaw. But instead Of providing you with some " setting", I would like to " help you help yourself"'.

Why do you think your rather attacking, direct approach playing on the Counter makes you loose out in possession. Take into account the way that most teams are or are likely to play against you. What is it with your approach that makes equal or lesser teams able to keep possession or makes you unable to have " longer attacks
"'in terms Of time ?
Its because you are rushing into things against teams sitting well organized with lots Of men behind the ball. Why not try to use some overlaps and use the width, not playing so direct and not on the counter.

If wanting and seeing fit to counter the opponent and exploit the space, you have to draw the opposition on to you by playing more cautious. Why not use the Counter Strategy and use Exploit flanks, play wider, clear ball to flanks, with the default setting in the rest.