That's one of my base formations too - especially against a stronger team. I've used Darlington for the last 6 seasons, and am still building the quality and depth of squad that the Arsenal, ManU, Barcelona, etc., possess. So, my team is still a bit weaker than the top clubs. I tweak role and duties slightly to accommodate my players skills, so yours may be different than mine. This formation gives me great flexibility to adjust, with all the positional cross-training I do on my team. If a goal is needed, I can push everyone up (DM to MC, LD/RD to WBL/WBR, ML/MR to AML/AMR). I can also drop a striker to AMC if needed. I don't use it all the time, I ususally save it for the stonger teams, especially in cup competitions. Typically my only advantage over the stronger teams is my speed, which could be why I have some success with it. I'd say over the past 2-3 seasons with it, my best guess is about 50% win, 20% draw, and 30% loss with it.